
Windows Movie Maker issues!! Plz help ?

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I have been having serious issues with WMM for about 2 years now! When I first started making amv's It worked for the first 2 or maybe 3 times, but after that when I would try to save the amv to a mavie file i kept getting a message that says

" Windows Movie Maker cannot save the movie file to the specified location. Verify that the original source files in your movie are still available, that the saving location is still available, and that there is enough free disk space available, and then try again"

So I did research on this and learned that i might have to clean up my disk hard drive to make room, make the amv smaller or save the amv with not as good quality to make the file size smaller. I did all of this and alot of other ideas a found on the internet, but none of them worked!

So I went to the extreme and called dell, cuz i was confussed and didn't know what the problem was. It seemed like he didn't either, so he took over my pc and did a system repair or backup. Something where you restore ur pc as if you had just baught it. So, yep, i lost " everything " But that means my WMM should work... and it didn't!!! So i just completely gave up on it. Then my pc crashed about 2 months ago and we got a new modem. And i thought hey maybe it will work now, and so i started making an amv and saved it as a file every once in a little while. It worked! For only half of the video :'( I got the same message I have been getting for two years!!!

sooo... any suggestions anybody? I dont wanna be picky but if im gunna get this resolved I cant have the, ur pc disk space must be used up, or make the file smaller or less quality b/c thats not gunna make a difference. My pc is in rlly good shape. Lots of space and not slow.

So some answers would be wayy aprieciated!! ♥♥




  1. Movie Maker 2 - Problem Solving - 'Can't Save a Movie'

    Sometimes you'll run into the situation of not being able to save a movie.


    You get a message "Windows Movie Maker cannot save the movie to the specified location. Verify that the original source files used in your movie are still available, that the saving location is still available, and that there is enough free disk space available, and then try again."

    Or you don't get a message; the progress meter doesn't start showing progress, or it makes some progress and just doesn't finish. Or the forecast time to completion stops going down and then starts going up. You wait and wait, and finally give up, thinking that Movie Maker has stopped working.

    The problem is often the result of:

    Insufficient computer memory for the complexity of your project, combined with other tasks your computer is doing as it renders the movie.

    Using source files that don't work with Movie Maker, or are corrupt.

    There are other reasons also. You need to do some detective work to be sure you're resolving the right issue the right way. This website page explains the processes that happen, and gives you some pointers about what the issues and resolutions might be.

    Recent items of note:

    A number of users reported their issues resolved by reinstalling the Windows Media Player... I don't undertand the relationship, but want to pass it along.

    ... and users of 'Folder Lock' software have problems when the locked folders include those with the source files used by a project.

    Newsletter #31 was a special issue about what to do when you can't save a movie or story. Click the image to read it.

    Newsletters are published weekly to subscribers only, but posted online for open viewing a couple months later. Use this link to the Products and Services page for more info and to subscribe.

    You might not have gotten an error message. Your rendering finished and you think it saved OK. But when viewing the movie, there are obvious issues. Here's part of an email I received on 12/17/04: "I used your advise and split the movie into thirds. (It was approximately 19 minutes in length, with approximately 265 jpg pictures, with an effect and transition for each one, and 5 songs.). I still had problems getting the sections to save or save correctly. One section saved but even though the movie ended after approximately 5 minutes, the movie ran for another 4 minutes with nothing on it. I check and there wasn't anything trailing in the timeline. It saved correctly later, without any change to the timeline. I also had a section save with all the music intact, but most of the pictures were missing. The third section saved with all the music intact and all the pictures were there complete with effects and transitions, but most of the pictures were upside down. ??? Wow! At that point I just had to laugh. Was I ever going to get this movie, that I have spent hours and hours on, saved? I enlisted the help of a friend and we decided to try to increase the virtual memory on the laptop I was using to save from. Once we did that, each of the sections saved like a charm. I was able to get the movie burned to a DVD and am very excited about the finished product."


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