
Windshield wiper forehand effects?

by  |  earlier

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I can do a windshield wiper forehand pretty well but should i use and stick with it and what does it do how can it help me.




  1. i use this shot on high balls to make the ball spin downward like an arrow but the ball in the air is spinning away  and once it lands, it is low. i either do it whislt as a airforehand depends on the height of the ball. But i personally don't stick with it i just change my grip for certain balls or certain things i want to do with the ball. confusing! i basically change grips for different shots during a rally.

    I would advise stick to a forehand style that is natural, there is no point changing your original style as it is frustrating to perfect. and once u stick to ur natural style just spend time in the practice court with a friend/hitting partner and practice it.

    i mite of got the shot wrong anyway heres a link that might help

  2. well... the windshield wiper is mainly to get more topspin so if you have an extreme grip with heavy topspin, it doesn't do much for you. i personally think that it would do no harm keeping it because i do a windshield wiper forehand with a western grip.

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