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I just started playing rugby in Feburary for my college as a wing and outside center. I have been doing pretty well and I don't want to lose any skill over the summer break--seeing as the fall will determine if we get to stay division 2 or drop back down to division 3!

What are some good drills/workouts I can do to prepare for the fall? I have a rugby ball but no people to practice with, so these would have to be solo workouts.

Thanks ahead of time!




  1. Strength and fitness are all well and good, but if you have just started skills practice will be key too.

    Yes, passing is tricky on your own, but kicking is perfect.

    Try to vary which kicks you practice.

    Up and unders (look to do these at pace, get the ball as high and as far as you can, but still be under it when it comes down)

    short grubbers (bouncing kicks to break through the defensive line)

    long touch kicks (get them to bounce just before they go in to touch)

    Chasing g all of these will also help in your fitness regime

    drop goal (just a bit of fun!!!)

  2. Fitness would be the most important thing, if you ask me. keep running and stay in shape. If you are working to practice your pasing by yourself, you can pass the ball into a wall on the side of your house or whereever. Kinda boring, but it will workyour passing,

  3. I played wing and fullback at college. I would definitely recommend keeping your running/sprinting regiments up. Three times a week run a couple miles. Also, try to get to a field, basketball court, or tennis court and do some suicides. They suck, but they're a good work out. There are also some footwork drills you could do, you can probably find those online under other sports.

    In terms of ball work you can on your catching by kicking some pop and grub kicks to yourself. If you can get someone to play catch with it's always good to work on catching the ball while moving. Keeping your passing and catching skills sharp is key since your in the back line. If it's someone who hasn't played you could just ask them to pass you the ball while you run towards them/past them.

    If available, I'd look around to see if there's a Seven's team you can join, it's a faster paced version of rugby that's usually played in the off season. It provides great practice especially for the backs because you're forced to play as a back and pack player, and it's a great way to get in shape.

    A few drills our coach did with us to keep us in shape were:

    1. Set up five cones, first cone push ups, second cone sit ups, third cone star jumps, fourth cone jackknives, fifth cone burpies; sprint in between each. Start out doing five at each counting down to one and then rotate the opposite direction and count back up to five at each.

    2. Full field sprints

    3. Up downs while running across the field to a whistle.

    I hope this info helps and that your team kicks butt next season, have fun, I had a blast playing rugby in college!

  4. handling a ball is not important, but suggest y concentrate on physical strength especially squat and back that makes y a hard tackler and up hill run. these are basics, which lead yr team to win and have yr  team mates depend on u.

  5. when i have no one to practise with i mostly do conditioning like running up hills and stuff

  6. i agree with the first and strength is the key. be able to hit as hard in the 80th minute as you can in the first.
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