
Wisdom teeth.. =/?

by  |  earlier

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I have to get them out friday and i'm so nervous.

mainly for the iv...

can someone explain how it works? not the surgery.. just before i get put to sleep and after




  1. I was really nervous too, but it's so good to have it over with. You're not supposed to eat anything after midnight the day before, at least I wasn't allowed to. Then you go to the doctors and wait for them to be ready, if you are really nervous they may give you laughing gas which is like an oxygen mask over your face, which calms you down. Then they clean the crook of your elbow for the IV and then you basically just fall asleep. You may remember waking up, but since you'll be drugged you will probably only remember bits of pieces of the day. All I really remember is sitting in the car after and asking my dad when I was getting my wisdom teeth removed and he was like "you have asked me that a million times now, you just got them removed!" xD. Just make sure to lie in bed for the rest of the day and such, and have smoothies and yogurt and soup ready (though you may not be hungry).

  2. So was I!  You wait in the lobby until the Doctor is ready, reading crappy magazines.  Then, when they've stalled long enough, they bring you in, sit you down in the chair, and you wait for a little while longer while they move around you.  Then they put your arms on the arm rest, strap one of them down, and place the I.V.  I was thinking I would be really scared at the moment it went in, but I felt like an idiot when it didn't frighten me.  I thought "This isn't so bad," and then lights out.

    Afterwords it's just like waking up.  My side effects were good; I was quite happy and not sick to my stomach.  Some people get a little woozy.  You won't have all your cognative features in perfect condition, so time will go by fast once you leave, and then you'll fall asleep again.  

    Don't worry.  It really isn't anything big.

  3. it is very hard to remember! i know they did an iv, which wasnt bad, then they put one of those mask things over with sleeping gas, and it KNOCKED ME OUT! next thing i can remember is being in the waiting room with people trying to get me to wake up. i was still so tired and kept drifting in and out of sleep. also i could not sit up, i was still sooo drugged. i fell asleep again then woke up at home. hope this helps

  4. I didn't get put to sleep, they just numbed my mouth. The whose part is getting the shots in your gums.
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