
Wisdom tooth post surgery help!!!?

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ok ive had my wisdom teeth (all four) taken out about 3 and a half days ago....i have one pain in the back of my not sure wth it is but it is causing a lot of discomfort, enough that i cannot sleep, and im not sure if it can be the stitches, because i can feel them...i actually had stopped bleeding 2 days after the surgery..and then a random amount of blood came out a day later....what is wrong!!!! .. and i feel my not sure if what im feeling are stitches or something..but they feel like loose bits of insides of my cheek you know and its scaring me help me please!!!




  1. Ok... It is normal for you to have discomfort for at least 1 week.. I have took out my wisdom tooth 4 days ago, on fri afternoon..

    I feel that my cheek is swollen, and the gum seems uncomfortable ,and when I press on my cheek, I feel slight pain..

    This is normal, as you have done an wisdom surgery that includes drilling, cuting the gum.. imagine when you fall down or injuried , you takes a few days to recover.. and since this is a surgery it takes a longer time.. perhap 1 week later, you would feel better..

    Your dentist should have given you antiboites to prevent infection.. and dry to aviod drinking with a straw for this few days.. and don't smoke for few days too... and spitting might cause dry socket ( which is very painful...)..

    I accidently drink with a straw after 4 day of my surgery... after half cup of drink then I realise.. try not to do so, at least for the first 3 day.. best for a week or even two( I not going to drink using straw after this experience..)

    Ok, Docter should have given you painkiller.. the docter prescibe me with 5 days painkiller.. I only consume for the first day..and I am with only ABIT pain on the second day..

    And bleeding stop within the first few hours.. If you have alot of blooding after the first 24 hours.. you should called your dentist.. and see whether you need immediately treatment,,

    For your cheek.. It is because it is swelling, hence you feel it.. I am feeling it swelling and when I smile, I can't smile as widely as before.. because the gum is swollen , and stitches is there.. This is normal,

    Swelling would go down in a week time.. if you feel it didnt improve in a week time, do go back to your dentist and check

    I am going back this fri.. to get out my stitches and a follow up session with my dentist to check whether the wound is doing well..

    Do try some tea too.. as I heard that tea contain a certain acid that can help with bleeding.. do give it a try too..

    and it is good to drink juice with vitiman C, like carrot juice, orange juice.. or even natural honey that can help wound to recover faster and prevent infection and reduce swelling..

    It work for me, though it is still abit swollen..but is getting better

    Do be after a wisdom tooth surgery.. you definately would feel uncomfortable since the wound is yet to recover.. a week or two week , you would feel normal again.. check with your dentist if condition worsen!  

  2. I just had my wisdom teeth pulled about 4 months ago.. I couldn't tell you what it might be so I recommend you call your Dental Surgeon tomarrow morning  

  3. The pain could be dry socket.  That alone is a very uncomfortable situation and it's best you go back in and have them fix it.  Basically the clot gets loose.  The doctor should have something to pack it with that supposedly fixes it.  When my dentist used it, it contained cloves which I tasted for the next week, so be aware of that if you are like me and can't stand cloves.  Blah!

  4. Oh owie!  Had the same surgery many years ago.  The dentist should've given you some pain medication to help you thru the first week or so.  If not, ask!  Stitches can be very annoying, tho it sounds as if you're healing normally.  You can have random bits of gum tissue that feel really different.  Did the dentist say you could rinse your mouth yet?  With a warm salt water solution?  That can help, but don't swallow any of it.  If this continues more than a day or so more, call and explain your concerns, see if you've developed what is known as a dry socket.  That's where the normal blood clot that forms has somehow come out.  And hang in there, for it does get better.  Take care.

  5. yea it sounds like stitches to me. i would also call ur oral surgeon and talk to him.  but also remember that u will have much discomfort for about a week or two if i remember correctly

  6. maybe a stitch came out or something.. go to your dentist. wisdom teeth extraction should NOT hurt that much. (only when laughing because you can't open your mouth that wide hahaha). anyway, i advise you to go to the dentist to check it out. it could be "dry socket" or maybe just a loose stitch.  they'll restitch it for you.  

  7. call your surgeon and ask for more meds and ask to go in and see him/her.

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