
Wisdom tooth?

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right ok i dont know if the pain in my mouth is wisdom tooth or not! its been painful for about 5 or 6 days now its at the back of my mouth a wee bit of gum has like flopped over to the back of my mouth and its the back bit of gum that is sore does anyone know if this sounds like wisdom tooth coming and if so how long does this pain last?




  1. Yes, it does sound like a wisdom tooth coming in. You should see a dentist. If it's impacted (that is, there is no room for it so it is literally trying to come up through an existing tooth), it will have to come out. You also need to keep the area very clean. A water jet is perfect. Sometimes, you can buy this syringe type thing with a curved plastic tip that, when you push the plunger, shoots water out like a jet. Otherwise, swish water around back there like crazy and swish with an anticeptic mouthwash. If food gets stuck back there, it will become infected. Mine did, and my jaw swelled up to the size of a baseball. Believe me, It is much more painful to take care of this problem than having the wisdom tooth pulled. I could tell you why but it hurts me just to think about it. Going to the dentist is a drag, but if it is impacted you simply have no choice. In the meantime, keep it clean and good luck.

  2. Maybe. You can't really tell. IF it continues to hurt go to the dentist.

  3. It might be better to have the tooth looked at.  It could be "impacted", meaning that it isn't growing straight, and it might be pushing against other teeth.  As such, the pain will not go away, and it could get worse.  Why not do an annual check up for your teeth and look at the problem at the same time, kills 2 birds with 1 stone.
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