
With or without makeup im 14?

by  |  earlier

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p.s. if you didnt now how old i was what would your guess be?




  1. You kinda look the same but I think you should go without makeup so that your skin doesn't get so used to it  

  2. The eye shadow is awesome! It looks great on you.

    You look cute without makeup, but I really love how you did your makeup so I would say...with.

    I thought you were maybe...16 or something around there.

  3. believe me u dont look anything like a s**t. i think u look amazing both ways i love your eyes they are so beautiful. i like you better with makeup the blue eyeshadow looks really great. and i think u look wayyyyyyy older then 14. i would seriously think u look like ur 15 or 16.

    hope it helps!

  4. I don't really even see a difference.

    I would say get some darker mascara, and no eyeshadow.

    and keep the brown eyeliner. 14 is definatly the age where you should already be wearing make up.

    So my answer is with.

  5. you look the same in both pics!!!

  6. A little never hurts! Just no lipstick. Stick to some light eyeshadow and mascara for now. Don't go to heavy!  

  7. ohmygosh...u dont look like a s**t just because u wear make-up wow!!!!

    and learn how to put ur make-up on PLEASE!

    geeze read a magazine. or look up "how to put on makeup"

    cause u obiously need some help.

    purple eyeshadow makes people look S****y. so does other bright colors. keep it neutral..go buy more makeup too :]

  8. At 14, I would say a very light eyeliner just to make your eyes pop and a little lip gloss.

    Anything else will take away your fresh face look and make you look like you are trying to hard to look grown-up.

  9. Either way is good. Do make-up somedays and other days when you're feeling lazyy you could just not put any on! You don't look like a s**t, dont worry about it :) i'd say you were 14 or 15

  10. put on as much make up as u can..jk.. u dont look like a s**t wtf?

  11. i think you look pretty either way

    but i perfer with makeup

    it makes your eyes pop

    if i didnt know id think you were 15 maybe 16

  12. im fifteen, i wear make-up but  i dont wear eyeliner i use to but it really takes away fromthe natrual look, try just putting mascarra on your bottom lashes as weell as your top and not eyeliner, also for a more natural and unsluttish look, try to use liek a more brown color eyeshadow, i use the NYC its chee and it has  a sparcke it comes in a little plastic conainer it works great and makes your eyes stand out,

    Good Luck, btw you are really prettty, and i would guess you are like 17 not 14 thats forsure

  13. the bottom picture is a better shot. But - you could accentuate your good features. A little mineral powder, not that seen on tv. A pure one, would look good & it would have the zinc in it from a good company - & would help clear your forehead.

    A little brown liner & mascara, peachy blush & lip color, even accentuate your eyes with it, & use your lilac too, if you like.. & top it off with a pearl or color less lip gloss. You've got good features!

  14. I think you look much better without the make up, you look so fresh and prettty! =)

    You look much older then 14 too, I'd guess you were 18 or 19!

  15. what ever makes you feel good and feel comfortable.

  16. definatley with.

    the colour really suits you.

  17. umm...i guess with

  18. without are pretty. Just Lipgloss and masscara

  19. Both looks are pretty.

    And you look like you're 18.

  20. wow you are 14? you could pass for 18 or 19 with makeup and maybe 21..or...22-ish without

    both with and without is fine

    i personally like a girl without makeup cos i think it sort of hides the real beauty of the female face. its more natural

    with makeup is fine. just not too much cos..that just cross the line

    but the picture with makeup has a good amount of



  22. you look about 11, 12

    and without makeup is better

  23. why wear makeup if its not going to show?

  24. The makeup looks nice to me. Less is always more.

  25. with makeup.  

  26. hhmmmmnnnn 22, without make up pls ,. you look younger then ,. and your too young to have make up , don't worry you will get there ,. natural beauty is often more beautiful though these make up could enhance your beauty but not all the name especially if you still don't know how to use it properly in their right places ,. plus too much make could sometimes lead to breakout, rashes , etc especially if not too good products are used. goodluck to you , enjoy your youth .

  27. with!

    It defines your eyes a lot more, and makes you look older and more mature without looking S****y, as you said.

    And you look about 15 or 16


  28. your really pretty, you look very natural with makeup it just enhances you, i personally love it when blonde people wear black mascara, and black eyeliner smudged in their lower lashline but thats just me, you do not look 14, trust me, i am 16 a size 0, and 5 ft 2 in, you look 18, i look 12

  29. if i dint know id think liek 16-20 ?

    and without :D

  30. i think you should go with, except with just brown eyeliner and mascara. any color eye shadow put on without pigments and blenders just look cheap.  go with a natural more subtle look and ease you way into wearing makeup.

  31. i wouldnt go purple unless ur trying to match but i think a little bit of make up is fine i would go light black eyeliner just to make them pop and then for eye shadow depends on outfit

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