
Woman: How do you approach love?

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If you were really in love with someone.. do you wait for him to approach you or would you go after him yourself? or do you never fall in love unless you have physical attraction, but even then what is beforehand.. tell me about it.




  1. I approach love very carefully. For love is like a cake that must be baked to perfection, raising slowly though understanding, communication, dedication and trust. I make myself available to him, open to his thoughts, opinions, and ideas; getting to know him for who he is and what he has to offer. I let go of 'bags' from past relationships, only taking the lessons learn as a means of keeping history from repeating itself. I give him the chance to see me for who I am, and what I'm worth, and I allow him to decide if I'm the woman he wants to purse life with. I let down my guard in hopes that he'll let down his so that we both may let love in.

  2. if i really liked him i would chase! esp if he was maori! if you love some1 then you should go to the end of the world to find out if they feel the same and if they do you should do everything in your power to be with them. physical attraction is a plus though i must admit if they look maori count me in if not then no.

  3. Love is more then physical attraction for me, it has to be an emotional connection of sorts to ever fall in love.....

  4. Tracey said 'Differently every time in my case. With my current relationship, we started as casual s*x partners but it evolved into a love relationship.'

    I can only ask, have you no shame?  I will pray to Allah to give you wisdom yet and help you become a normal woman.  I honestly think you should talk to your pastor and ask God to do the same.

  5. Considering today's laws, a man would be well advised to wait till a woman clearly expresses her interest.

  6. TRUE love is about big bucks. Women don't "love" they USE.

  7. Differently every time in my case. With my current relationship, we started as casual s*x partners but it evolved into a love relationship

    With my previous relationship, it was sturm und drang attraction times 10, and ended rather dramatically and unpleasantly, as such relationships often do.

  8. Some of us approach love.  Some of us wait for love to approach us. :)

  9. Generally, I have to have been in a relationship for a little bit before I fall in love.

    In most of my relationships, I have been the one to "make the first move," though that doesn't mean I end up doing the asking out.

    Physical attraction has very little to do with who I'm interested in dating. Usually I get to know someone as a friend, then realize I care about him in more than just a friendly way. I don't think I could date someone that I was not friends with first.

  10. Well I do not believe you can fall in love with someone you do not know...that you do not already have a romantic relationship with.  But if I lusted someone (that is before I was married), I would go talk to the man and see what he was like, if he seemed to like me, if I felt I could have a relationship with him, etc.

    But yes, I have to be attracted to someone to be romantically in love with them. Now a caring sort of love for someone is another story.

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