
Woman issues here!???

by Guest59649  |  earlier

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I have recently had s*x for the first time. I got my period last wk , it was normal but a lil heavy, but this following week I have been having a constant yellow discharge, What do u girls think? or has anyone ever had this same problem. really need answers, thanks.




  1. Since this is the L*****n/g*y section I would have to ask who did you have s*x with...meaning...a girl or guy before I could answer this.

    EDIT -  ok then, not like I care who you gave it up to anyhow. Not sure why you asked it in this section but anyways. If it is just a thin discharge you are probably fine. If it is clumpy or has a strong odor do go have yourself checked out. It also matters if a condom was used.

  2. i would say go to get check ASAP... it might be nothing, but it's better to be safe than sorry later on...

    P.S always use protection

  3. Well i do know that once you have s*x for the first time your period varies like heavy, light, etc.   but with the discharge i asked the gyne about that before and they said its totally normal but if its constant for a long time then id have it checked out......

  4. Talk to a physician (more specifically talk to a gynecologist).

  5. I would go talk to your OB about it 'cause that sounds serious to me.  But it might not be anything so I wot do anything till I talked w/ them if I were you.

  6. if it's yellow and smeely u need to get it checked. did u bleed after? u hymen was probally broken and it's the blood from that and the vaginal lining pouring out. how old are you? you may want to go have it checked, just to be safe.

    best of luck ^_^

  7. not a girl, but it sounds like the hymen was torn and the yellow discharge could be a sign of an infection... also it could just be a massive amount of white blood cells trying to protect from infection...

  8. who did you have s*x with, if with a guy a discharge is normal, not so normal if you had s*x with a girl. go to a Gynecologist to check it out.

  9. You definitely need to go to the gyno.  If you are having this type of discharge it could be a couple of things.  if it is yellow and smells it could either be a bacterial infection, or maybe chlamydia.  if it is just yellow and maybe itches or burns when you  pee it could be a yeast infection.  but you do need to go to the doctor if your going to start to be sexually active.
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