
Women...Do you like Palin? ?

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Mccains choice as running mate.




  1. no.  she seems to be the type of woman who is hard, ambitious and calculating.  she makes hillary clinton seem warm and fuzzy.

    i would put my trust in clinton than palin if i had to.

  2. NO!

  3. hate her

    she is everything i despise in a woman

    with ”feminists” like her, who needs the KKK?

  4. Like her-who cares!  If the Republicans convince the American voters that Palin is a progressive woman, more fools us!

    She is inexperienced, untrustworthy and a failure as a parent.  She has thrown her unwed, pregnant 17 year old to the media hounds because she thinks she can be elected VP.  Christian values, I hope not.

  5. I don't like either one of them; both are way out of touch with the majority of people and neither one has any credibility. You have an old geezer who has no idea how many houses he owns (not a good recommendation for running a country) and a s***k from Alaska who jogs eats caribou and had a downs child. Whoop dee doo.

  6. Not this woman

  7. Yes I like her conservation view as mother we all try our better but children have the last choice on listening and taking the a vise to heart we can't watch our children 24/7 for 18 for years

  8. I actually do.

    She fought to end corruption in her state and did a fine job.

    She's a bit more conservative than myself, but I think that she and McCain strike a nice balance.

    Bring on the TD's!!

  9. As a potential occupant of the Oval Office:  NO.

    As a representative of family values:  no.  She should have instructed her daughter on the importance of safe s*x and apparently didn't.

    As a person with good judgment:  no.

    As a hard worker and dedicated mother:  yes.

  10. A Vice President who has only been out of the country,  once in her entire life?  I'd bet that Bin Laden would vote for her ticket. However, I'm not a woman.

  11. Politically, no. As a hunting partner ~ well at least she has reasonable eyesight.

    Cheers :-)

  12. NO

  13. No.    

  14. No.   I don't know her as a PERSON... so I can't say if I like her or not as a person.... but as a potential VP or President should that ol' geezer McBush have a stroke or something?

    No.  Sorry, she is not qualified for the job.  

  15. Yes I do... She is strong enough to play with and battle with the big boys...

    As far as family values I don't really see what business it is that her 17 year old daughter got pregnant to anyone... We don't know if Palin had "the talk" with her children... but I am assuming that she did, just like my mother did with me about the time I turned 13... and though my mom practically beat it into my head about waiting til I get married I still didn't wait to have s*x until I got married so that is a fallible argument in my opinion.

    As far as what I have seen so far I have yet to dislike her... I didn't care much for Clinton however... but that is all personal choice.

  16. Honestly no. There's to much of a ora of mystery around her. At least with Clinton we've come to know her as a person, her politics, and her ways. But with this woman (even with what you read on line) I honestly don't think she "sits right" with the majority of women voters who would rather vote for Clinton.

    I personally am an Obama supporter, but I would vote for Clinton if she was still in the race. I don't get that "warm and fuzzy" with Palin, that I do with Clinton. To tell you the truth, (in my personal opinion) I don't think she can be trusted.  

  17. No. She's a short-term solution (getting votes), but a long-term train wreck (no federal experience, unpopular ideas).

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