
Women and the need for attention?

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I've often heard it said that women love attention, to feel wanted, desirable and attractive, even if they're already taken. My question is, do they need to find the guy who's giving the attention attractive too, or do you enjoy it even if you wouldn't touch the guy with a barge pole?




  1. We only like attention from guys that we like.  If he's an ugly loser, then it's an insult.

  2. First if we are taken, the person we are with should be giving us attention, making us feel wanted and desirable and attractive so we would not seek that outside...Actually man usually seek more attention,  outside even when their mate is giving them 100%   And no we do not always need to find the guy attractive, it helps but is not necessary because if he is giving us all the attention we could less what he looks   now if we were attractive to him then he would need to look like something,...We enjoy it even if we would not touch the guy with a barge pole, but keep in mind too much attention turns into stalking and it will get on our nerve.....but if he looks good we will continue to take it..

  3. I don't believe women require any more attention than men do, and I don't think either s*x enjoys getting sexual attention from repulsive people.

  4. Its different for everyone despite whether they have a p***s or v****a.

  5. we all know women love attention no matter how minging the guy is (or she is)  

  6. Women often date men they are not really interested in or attracted to.

    This is a well known thing and I see it all the time. Another common behavior is to "string along" a guy just because they like the attention.

    I can't say some guys don't do similar things, but women are worse. I'd say out of all the dating and marriages out there, only about 10% of those women are actually in love with those men. Maybe LESS.

    The main reason for this is because women's standards are often unrealistic. They always want what they can't attract. They want a BMW when they have Honda Civic money.  

  7. regardless of what s*x you are, its part of human nature to want to be wanted,,, so you couldn't rightfully attribute this to one s*x.

    That said, I think it depends on why the person is looking for attention, if it is to validate themselves somehow, it likely doesn't matter the source of the "ego boost"... but of course it would be a bigger compliment to be given attention from an attractive person. Does anyone feel like they are stating the obvious with this question?

  8. personally I hate attention from guys that aren't my husband. hence, why I got married in the first place.

  9. Yep. We girls love attention.

    It doesn't matter if the guy is hideous.

    We like making him squirm because he can't have us.

    We have had all kinds of things over the centuries that have helped us with that goal:


    mini skirts

    see-through blouses


    hair dryers



    curling irons

    low-cut tops


    sandals(shows off our pretty toes)

    nail polish

    teeth whitening


    bikini wax


    razors(oh no! stubble on my legs. can't go check the mail like this!)

    on and on and on

    Now that I'm fat and old, I squirm if anybody looks at me, even a man. Even if said man looks like the backend of a horse;

    It makes me uncomfortable because I swear he is judging me. (this isn't's love cushion! quit staring!)

    That last part is FYI.

  10. People with certain insecurities love attention no matter who it is from. I do believe that in general more women love attention because they have been conditioned to define themselves through how many men they can attract and get hit on by. Remembering some of the girls I knew in my teens and early 20s especially, most of them got involved with men they did not even find attractive. They went along just because the men were there and gave them attention. It just speaks to their low self-esteem.

  11. For me the guy needs to be attractive, if a dirty guy or an old f**t was doing the staring, it would creep me out. In fact I've had two of those unwanted glares, where they look at you and hold it and give you that dirty perverted smile, this one guy couple days ago almost ran into me with his cart because he wasn't paying attention to where he was going, I was so creeped out by his facial expression. Gross!

  12. I enjoy it just because it gives me the opportunity to use some of my comebacks. I don't like being approached by people I've never seen before. It's even more irritating when they're attractive, because it's probably worked for them before and they have the idea that it always will.

  13. Looks, Body size, all of this does not matter, to me,  If your a good kind man, I'll thrive on your attention,  I've dated men, who were simple, plain,  or high maintenance men,  I'd prefer the simple kind nice man.......   one who will show me,  the love that I need & deserve, so that I can show him the love & affection that he needs,  I thrive on making my man happy...  I love to cook & I am A GREAT COOK!    

  14. No the guy has to be  attractive. In my case, i tend to sometimes fish for compliments, and my boyfriend jokingly calls me out on it. I tend to want more attention though when I feel affectionate, not because I need constant attention.

    People need the personal space and time to be alone, regardless of their s*x.

    When women or men want constant attention and reassurance then there might be a problem of insecurity.

  15. Women in general are starving for attention. They want to be looked at, appreciated, swooned over, talked to, talked about, desired, etc.

    If attention were food aid, women would be Somalia.

    That said, men like to be desired and like attention from the opposite s*x, but we keep it in check.

    Ta Da: Then stop dressing provacatively or getting all dressed up for attention, then getting mad when some guy looks at you. Just because a guy is old or unattractive doesn't mean you have to act stuck up towards him. You stuck-up hypocritical women are the biggest turn-offs. I wouldn't look at you with someone else's eyes.

    Rio Madeira: You're "irritated" by guys that approach you, even attractive ones. Why? Is it a bad thing if a guy wants to at least make friends? How else is a guy and a girl supposed to meet? Somebody has to do the approaching, and I know you girls don't due to being stuck-up and feeling privileged. It would be nice if women shouldered 50% of the responsibility of approaching the opposite s*x. Since that's not the case, men will have to stick with the ones doing the approaching and dealing with being called "creeps" and "irritants" for doing so.

  16. Attention w***e, histrionic personality disorder, narcissistic, whatever you want to call it , yes women thrive on attention and don't for a minute believe he has to be attractive.

    Many women enjoy the chance to snub or belittle a guy they consider below par.

  17. I can be an attention w***e at times. It doesn't really matter who it is as long as its someone who thinks I am awesome. I usually get like that when I am not feeling as confident or pretty as I usually do. I actually don't like it when its an attractive guy, I'd rather it be an average person so I don't feel tempted. I would never cheat on my husband, I would rather just be able to laugh it off with him rather then feel like I was attracted to the guy and I need to hide the fact. Wow, that sounds really bad doesn't it? Well, at least I am being honest right?

  18. No

  19. A lot of interesting answers to this!

    From my point of view though women in general are made to feel unattractive all the time especially by the media no matter how attractive they are.  Its the image given out which people portray to be beautiful which is completely false.

    When it comes to getting attention, you are made to feel attractive, it is the biggest ego boost possible. Its not so much about the attractiveness of the person giving it to you really, its just the fact that they are giving you attention and making you feel good about yourself. Its terrible to crave this attention but nothing compares to that feeling of making you feel good about yourself!

  20. What's wrong with being a lover?

  21. Haha, women love attention in general, as long as it isn't too creepy. If they don't find you attractive they usually like a simple "you look really nice" or "you're really pretty".

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