
Women cant hurt men ?

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Why do people especially lawmakers(VAWA no VAMA) think women cant hurt men ? I mean there are weak women and strong men but there are also strong women and weak men. I seen women beat up guys many times, most of the time leaving life lasting bruises and scars. Hard slaps do hurt guys and most women punches dont feel like getting hit by beach volleyball, yes they still hurt. And women dont always play fare. Most women will use a weapon such as heals, plates, pans, whatever at reach she will probably use. I think men get abused by women more than people think, it's just men are to embarrassed to report it to authority (police)than women are.Why do people think women cant hurt men ? Is it ridiculous




  1. what about all the emotional damage women inflict

  2. A womans never hurt me..but then again I've never hurt a woman..hmm Well doesnt apply to me so I could careless lol

  3. Men are conditioned not to hit women.

        That is how it is easy for women to commit act's of violence against men.

       When it comes to domestic abuse men have no where to go. They call the cop's there likely to get arrested and lose there home.

    They try to seek divorce the abusive wife takes the kids and claims abuse.

         This is the dark side of the feminist lie, feminist's routinely push for law's to enable women to beat,maim and kill men.

    But when men demand equality and the right to live without fear they come up with phony justifications or dismiss it like some here do.

      The problem isn't that men are too "embarrassed" to report it to the police it is that the police and the "system" don't care.

        When an attorney general advices men in washington(state) not to call the cops about domestic abuse unless there bleeding, seriously injured and have a knife/gun to them you know it is a serious problem.


    lol.. The sexist pigs are trying to say women are abused by men waaay more then men are abused by women. Every credible study shows it is relatively even most of the time.

    And even that is changing. The current trend in society is that males are becoming less violent and females are becoming more violent...

  4. Feminists were behind VAWA and don't care about men, except to hate them.

  5. Women can and do hurt men physically and emotionally.  I have a friend, who is a career police officer who was routinely being hit by his wife.  My SO's ex wife stabbed him in the hand in a drug induced psychotic state.  And that is just the physical, the emotional pain I have seen inflicted is beyond belief.  These are men who were taught to respect women and would not dream of ever hitting them.  

    Abuse is a two way street and that is one thing that equal rights has to recognize and address.  We have accepted finally that the elderly are abused by supposedly loving children...the time has come for us to raise a banner for men who are abused by women.

    When we talk about supporting Humanism, equal rights for all, this is the kind of issue we must address.

    EDIT - Agreeing that men are abused...and my SO is VERY ALPHA....does not mean we are saying that women do not suffer horribly as well.  I was severely abused, very severely, I do not want ANYONE male or female to ever have to endure that kind of treatment.  Women being abused does not mean men are not.

  6. anyone can hurt anybody as long as the victim make themselves vulnerable.

  7. Women are FAR more likely to be battered into a pulp, to be choked, strangled and murdered.  On average, women endure abuse for longer periods of time, often due to lack of resources ($).

  8. Women are told it is ok to use weapons (pans, kitchen knives, etc.) as a form of self-defence.  So now women use their fists and household items to lash out because they can use the self-defence plea.  Men need to report abuse immediately.  Forget the stigma.  I am a feminist and I think that it's now acceptable for men to report as equality between the genders means equal punishment.  

  9. It's all about money-lawyers created enough work for themselves and Judges to buy that third vacation house and put all their children thru college.

    Edit:  my ex-wife is a master abuser.  Her fiery temper (she only weighs 110lbs) is enough to scare any 6ft  200lb man.

  10. I'll put it this way, you get a man and a woman of equal weight and the man will absolutely destroy the woman in a fight. That's a fact, unless she has some serious martial arts training.

    We have a more powerful skeletal structure and our bone and muscle density is higher proportionally making us alot stronger. It just isn't fair to put a man and a woman in a fight..

    The VAWA is not equal but it is fair though yes we should reject it since it's about EQUAL rights not fairness in rights which would imply we start at different points in a race. Feminism says it wants the same startline so there you go

  11. Either way abuse towards any race is wrong, and i agree with your point about how men are more unlikely to report it to the police because it would be very embarassing for them. Mind you there has been a couple of those stupid tv shoes like Maury or something like that talking about men that get abused by there wifes &  i may be wrong with this fact everyone has there own point of view but news, tv and everything makes men seem stronger then women , therefore some men get this in there head and take advantage because they are more likely to be able to hurt and control a women then take on someone there own size/fight fair and get there a$$ kicked.

  12. because its very rare

    plus when a girl fight a guy we dont fight back, unless its extremely serious

    EDIT: testosterone causes a guy to be more fearless in a fight and that is a huuuuge part of winning a fight, girls r more scared in fight so that causes them to lose a lot easier


  13. you and I know that women can hurt men,but society wants to make the men evils while women innocent.

    you're right,men don't report abuse and again I blame society for that,Some men do report it but where will do they go? nowhere because there is not a single men's shelter anywhere.

  14. Well i love and respect all women and your right! In my opinion women can hurt guys more perhaps then a man can hurt a women.Women slap guys and that can sting like crazy and they can really hurt you with their high heels and claw your eyes out as well! Think about it a guys punch could knock you out but a girls high heels could break your toe or foot and cause more pain then a knockout punch.Clawing a guys eyes would be very painful and would cause just as much pain as a guys punch.I always have said never mess with a women or you will get hurt and i mean that too! Women are the best!

  15. I applaud you for saying this.  Men can also be the victims of domestic violence.

  16. so maybe theres a few strange cases where a strong woman beat up a weak man...   but its wat u call a man bites dog story...  it hardly ever happens... an it takes away from the real stories...

    lets get it strait... men r the real abusers... almost all the time... an women r the victims!!!   men r lots stronger than us...  MEN HURT US!!!  tell me.. wat can a small woman do to hurt a big strong man???  if a womans got to use a weapen its jus self defence to protect herself!!!!

  17. You've seen women "beat up guys many times," leaving "lifelong bruises and scars," and you didn't step in to prevent it, or call the police?  You're no better than the abusers.  

    So what are you doing about it, other than voicing self-righteous indignation at feminists who took care of their own when no one else would?

    If it is ridiculous, what are you doing to stop it?  With your amazing leadership skills, you can make a difference.  

  18. Yes, women can hurt men; they can hurt them both physically and emotionally.  Men are not emotionless, and they are vulnerable.

  19. I agree: women can, and do, hurt men.  

    And actually the physical violence is only part of the story.  Men are just as emotionally vulnerable as women, and women can hurt men by emotionally abusing them, which makes it even harder for a man to tell the police, or his friends and family.

    The main difference between abused men and abused women is (average) economic independence.  It is still easier economically for a man to leave an abusive woman than for a woman to leave an abusive man.  

    However, the whole point of emotional abuse is that it destroys a person's sense of independence, and so even if a man is more able to leave economically, he might still be unable to perceive his economic independence.  This is why women's abuse of men needs to be taken very seriously.

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