
Women drivers?

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I spend three or four days a week at my Penthouse in the city and the remaining time at my country home with my wife and family.

The predicament is that I’m rather partial to a tipple or two of Gordon’s or some jolly good malt. I realise that driving my 4x4 Beemer after a few noggins is a trifle injudicious so I contemplated to employ the services of a charioteer whilst in the city. Reading through the applications for the position, I observed there are a number of aspirants from the ‘female’ fraternity which somewhat pleased me at the thought of a dainty pair of legs alongside during tiresome journeys. However, several of my business colleagues have advised me it would be unwise to employ a female charioteer because they lack driving skills.

Apparently, females cannot reverse park and, even so, would not be able to handle a monster like mine.

Surely, this cannot be so?




  1. Women?   Driving?  Whatever next.   Soon they`ll be wanting to vote.   Just keep the little totties in the kitchen cooking, or having babies.

  2. get a robot with nice legs

  3. F*** you women are better and safer drivers than men!!

    we cause less crashes!!!!!!!

  4. Appreciate the wind up,but to be honest it seems that whoever you get behind the wheel of a beamer is a total pr*tt !

    It seems that BMW don't put indicators on their cars because I can't remember the last time I saw them being used !

  5. You really need to see this and make up your own mind -

  6. Question of the year.

  7. As you are driving a German car I suggest to get a German female driver! Best skills you can ask for!

  8. lol

  9. Lol it is not so, you wind up merchent :P

  10. Methinks this question was meant to stir the pot and enrage the female deities , Naughty naughty they rose to the bait exactly as you planned . On the other hand if it was a come on with the aphrodisiac position money and power and size , it will most likely work as well.

  11. I'd challenge any man to reverse parking and parallel parking and I'd win.

  12. You have evidently placed your advertisement in the wrong paper.  You should have it placed in the personals space.  Try to find a couple that will fit your needs.  Him driving whilst you and her in the back seat on the way home to your loving wife and children art the manor!  It seems to me that this would be more fun.

  13. Lol stacey. You may cause less crashes but you are the causes of crashes behind you!

  14. Actually that is untrue, it's like saying Men can watch TV better than Women, it's just dumb. They probably are just jealous or sexist (meaning one s*x is better than the other). It doesn't matter if your female, male, both, or pokadoted it all depends on WHOSE driving. Like I wouldn't get in a car with someone that's blind and drunk whether or not they're a male, I'll rather walk...

  15. Most female drivers can't park as well as men, But they are a lot more careful in general. Young female drivers tend to be the most careful.

  16. all credibility is lost at the word "penthouse"

  17. My dear Sir you do jest of course, The very idea! A lady behind the wheel of an automobile quite insane! No no far better for the simple minded creatures to just look pretty in the passenger seat, woman drivers indeed.... you joker you. Tip top

  18. I reckon you are a plain simple fantasist.  You probably tuck your trousers inside your socks and ride a biycle to work as a shelf-stacker.  And your boss is probably a woman who drives a BMW.

    To use your own preposterous language: I am a member of the masculine gender who has no fear of the feminine species.  And what is more I veer toward the considered and measured opinion that women make FAR better drivers (Charioteers? Where did you get that word from?  Who are you?  Ben Hur?) than fellers because their heads are not filled with "macho" stuff and nonsense and petulance.

    Your letter is a wonderful leg-pull, or rather I HOPE it is.  Perhaps it would've been better posted on April 1st?

  19. Is this honestly the best you can do with your time?

  20. well I personally hate to drive because I lost a family member to a car accident. However, it was my parallel parking skills that enabled me to pass my driver's test. I didn't do so well on other parts due to nerves. So no one can tell me that women can't back up. It's really a case by case kind of thing. There are many men that shouldn't be driving at's a skills thing, not a gender thing!

  21. women drivers ain't that bad, that's just plain sexist mate. just cuz one woman can't read (which would be me) a map it does mean all women can' men are just jelous thats all...

  22. The memsahib is only fit for driving the master of the house home from the local hostelry. I find the journey passes in a blink when intoxicated with a few Bombay's and tonic.

    Good luck.

  23. In response to Stacey H, women have cause more crashes than men in 2008 so far. More women have also been killed in automobile accidents this year. The absolute worse drivers are teen girls aged 16 - 19. Girls today are starting to drive just as reckless as men.

  24. Your business colleagues are a bunch of ill informed persons who are prejudiced and aghast of the idea of a woman doing anything but keeping house and having babies.  Surely you are NOT listening to them, are you?

  25. you're weird
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