
Women: have you ever been drugged?

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Have you ever been slipped a date rape drug?

Did you tell the police?

Know anyone that has?

How can I be sure to avoid this?




  1. Never touch it .................even to know what it is.............

    you will never fall in trap

  2. Yes and she tried to rape me.  But I was in cuntroll despite the drugs and escaped rape.  I didnt report since I mentally castrated her and got a closure on the issue.

  3. The best solution for this problem or any other that you may encounter in clubs is the buddy system - for both men and women.  Make sure that they are in close range at all times, and they won't let you get into trouble.  Make it clear between you that, in no uncertain terms, should they let you leave with anyone other than matter how beligerent you may become when drunk!  Thats what friends are for - at least, I could always count on mine!

  4. Years ago my drink had something nasty put in it at a nightclub.  Was on my second rum & coke and one sip later I fell really ill and had to go home.  Just couldn't stop being sick.

    Wasn't a date-rape drug though, prolly more like that drug that's made for alcoholics, am not sure...

    Never leave your drink unattended or allow someone you are not familiar with to buy you a drink.

  5. Keep your drink with you, order it and pick it up yourself , don't take drinks sent from other patrons, have a close friend with you on nights out.

  6. I've never been slipped a date rape drug, however I have a friend who had that happen. She didn't tell the police, only a few close friends.

    If you want to avoid that happening to you, always watch the person that makes your drink or make it yourself and don't leave your drink unsupervised.

  7. Actually i'm a man, and i got slipped one of these drugs.

    Not so i could get raped, but this group of people were pissed off at me because i beat up their buddy after he took a swing at my best friend, and somehow they managed to get whatever drug was in there into my drink.

    I woke up with bruises all over me and a broken pinky finger on my right hand.

    I never went to the police, there was no way they'd catch them, they probably left town right after this anyway, they were a bunch of tourists.

    But to this day i can't figure out how they got the drug in my drink, i ordered and picked it up myself.

    Edit: Yea, eye drops are a good one, as they dont even show up on tox screens i believe.

  8. yes. It is all too common in clubs. Advice is easy, travel in a group and never NEVER let your eyes off your drink. It only takes a second to drop something in.

    For those of you who got sick after only a little alcohol: You were might have been slipped a few eye drops. Something in these will make you very sick to your stomach after only one drink, making you think you are wasted and had too much to drink. This is a common trick with bartenders who get pissed about something you might have done OR I have seen women do this to other women that are competing for the attention of another man or woman. Nothing like sending the competition home early to assure a win!

  9. yes and yes...  You should always be aware of your surroundings.  The people you hang out with and never ever take a drink from some random person.  Even if you think that they are being nice and sweet if you want to have a free drink either go to the bar with them and order it or to the fridge/kitchen to make it yourself.  Always keep you drink in your hand if at all possible. never leave it behind and then go back and get it.  If you left it on a talbe leave it go back and get yourself a new one, not worth the risk.

  10. I know one girl this has happened to, last day on her holidays, her "friend" the barman gave her a drink and the next thing she knew she was in a bedroom with him and another guy, I believe this girl.

    Others I don't, there was a spike in date rape drug reports here, big deal in the papers, turns out the none of the blood samples showed up positive for drugs, just alcohol. An american girl i ran around with for a while said it had happened to her twice, but if you saw her get out of it and scandalous you would have your doubts too. she was lots of fun but she blacked out and would be surprised when told stories from the night before.

    "why does my a** feel funny?" she would ask.

    ive taken plenty of ghb myself, back in the day, never once raped.

    oh yeah, believe it or not, TWO different women have asked me to spike girl's drinks with them. i said no of course.

  11. i had the same sort of experience as shivers.  made me incredibly ill and i hadn't had enough liquor to make me ill.  it was in a night club where i worked, end of shift everyone would have a drink or two.  i think it was woman that worked with me who thought i was after her man.

    it just goes to show, you can't trust anyone.  always hold on to your drink and make sure you stay with close friends.  i didn't call the police, but i think i would now.

  12. They make portable testing kits that are little pouches that you can put in your drink if you suspect you've been slipped something.  They change color if it dectects one of the more common drugs.  I got my sister a box of them when she went away for college, haha.

    Also... use common sense when at bars... if a guy seems to be exceptionally slick, paying a particularly heavy degree of attention to you, trying to get you away from your drink or your friends, then be suspect.  Always keep an eye on your drink if he goes up to get it for you, and ideally, go out with friends.  It's alot harder for a guy to take advantage of you if you're in a group.

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