
Women: how soon in a relationship?

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did you begin to sleep over at your bf's place most nights?

is this something you discussed, or did it just happen?




  1. when we met we were in air force training and the girls werent allowed in the boys accomodation and vice versa . we had s*x after week and bit in a hotal. Then after a month we moved into a new air force permanent base he moved in my room and all his stuff and never left. We didnt discuss it at all.

    So technically we moved in together after a month so it doesnt really matter me .

  2. With my current BF it happened about 3 months into it, we've been together for 15 months now and he moved in with me a few weeks ago. No, we didn't discuss it, it just happened.

  3. it just happend a couple of months in...Now we are together most nights..

  4. With my husband it happened right away. He worked till 10pm every night so I would go over to hang out with him after work and I just started staying there every night, before anything "intimate" even happened we were just instantly attached to one another he said he couldn't sleep without me there and since the only night he's slept without me is the night before our wedding : )

  5. It just happened two days before we started dating, I went over to watch movies, and since that day, we started spending the night. It wasn't dicussed, it just seemed natural.

  6. It just happen, one day we just stopped going home and stayed with each other...after awhile, if we were not together it didn't feel right.  We had been dating 4 months.

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