
Work Experience y10 advice...?

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i know this is gonna sound rellly different but i want to do ....

holiday rep ..for my work experience..

how could i become a holiday rep in a hotel in say .. ibiza//tenerife..i would be obviously paying for my own room and flight so how could i plan // do this ? x x x please help me :) x x x




  1. id luv 2 work on a holiday camp, u wudnt be able 2 tho hun u ave 2 be 18, i wanted to do mine in a betting shop because i was thinking of being a croupier at the time lol, i ended up doing mine at a nursery. how about something like that u get 2 entertain the children =)

  2. I'm guessing you want to experience that job because it's want to do when you are older. I want to be a food tech secondary school teacher but of course for work experience they couldn't let me just teach food tech for experience. I went to a primary school to be a classroom assistant just to I could get a taste of what it was like teaching. My friend wants to do what you want to do and for work experience she worked for this company that make metal stuff. I know that has nothing to do with that job but she worked on the reception there, so now she's got some experience of what it's like to work in a reception. Work experience isn't about doing the exact same job as what you want; it's just a little sample of it. Hope this helps. x

    EDIT: Oops I thought u said rec as in meaning receptionist. But you said rep. Sorry Lol, my answer is probably wrong now. x

  3. Because of your age you're unlikely to be able to do holiday repping for work experience, this is because you have to be 18 to be a rep.  Also, the school are responsible for your safety.  Have you thought about getting work experience in a travel agents?  It would boost your travel industry knowledge. You can then put it on your cv when looking for a rep job when you're older.

  4. No, the school is still responsible for you even when your on work expereince and there insurance would not cover that, plus you'd be working in bars and clubs and this is illegal for anyone under 18. You don't stand a chance im afraid.

  5. I don't think you can. Usually, it has to be local, as teachers visit you during the one/two weeks you're at the business you're working with to check up on you. You'd also need training and things to be a holiday rep - showing people around the area on the coach from their airport, possibly knowing a different language, collecting people at their hotels and generally ensuring that holiday makers have a good time. It wouldn't really be a holiday. As one other answerer said, your school isn't insured for fourteen/fifteen year olds to go on work experience abroad, either.

    Good luck though, whatever you choose to do.

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