
Work Problem (big time)?

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This last month has been the WORST. My wife just got sick, and now I am sick and losing my voice. Well; when my wfe was sick I had to call out from work and take her to the ER (where they kept her) I had to call out 1 day last week, and now that I am sick I had to call out tonight. I have a doc excuse for me, but this guy is a new manager and people have been trying to `convince him that I have an attendance problem. However at the moment I cannot even talk (my voice is completely out) so my wife had to call out for me. Then they said "well the manager wants to talk to you first thing in the morning" so now I am scared for my job. I have a child on the way and bills to pay. Should I be worried? (I work at a gas station in Nashville TN)




  1. you might lose your job but on the bright side there lots of jobs in nashville and it won`t be that hard to find something if you get fired theres always ranstad in springfeild and alot of other gas stations if i were you i would go ahead and apply for jobs like janitors at the schools and hospitals and ups and post office and all the other high paying jobs.

  2. no matter what, make sure you don't lose the job, there is wellfair, but don't lose the job. if you can just squeeze a little voice out of you to say a few words to your manager, than it would make a difference.

  3. Find another gas station. It's not the best job you'll ever lose in your life.

  4. Other gas stations will hire you no worries.

  5. yes u should be worried, employers do not deal with calling in no matter what the reason.

    My son was 6 mnths old and in the hospital for 2 days on a breathing machine and i got written up at work for calling in. It;s not fair, but it's life.

  6. hope you are just as bad in the morning, go in and try to talk to him - tell him you will probably need to go to the hospital - just as your wife did and the voice is the reason you didn't call yourself.  just hope you don't really need hospitalization, but it would prove your point.  of course, there are other jobs in nashville, I'm sure, but noone likes getting fired.  good luck.

  7. Seriously I would find another job.  I agree it is not fair the way you are being treated, but remember Tennessee is a "right to work" state which means they can fire you at any time for any reason.  I know we have been there.  Good luck.

  8. they can't fire you for being sick and you have an excuse for being absent  and if you do lose your job you might be able to take it to court. i was sick and out of work for almost 2 months straight but it was a medical condition. also they might look for another reason to get rid of you and i do mean any little pettie reason.  good luck with your good and con grads on the kid.

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