
Work lego company?

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What do you have to do to work for the lego company do you have to be a master builder? is there a test you have to pass? I live in the US if that helps any not in Denmark. Also how much do the jobs pay a year. Thanks




  1. 1st, you have to define "master builder"-- Lego has a lot of people working for them building with bricks, each of which have different requirements and tasks.  I personally know one person who was a Master Builder, two Master Designers, and one Set Designer (and have met a few others in each category but don't know them well)

    A) "Master Builders" - This specific title is used for people who work at Lego and build models.  They don't usually do the design work for the models, they do the building.  So they're given instructions for a 5-foot tall SpongeBob model (for example), and they have to build 50 copies of it for Toys R Us stores around the country.

    B) "Master Designers" - This is usually reserved for people who design and build models with Lego.  They have a lot more freedom in terms of how they build, even though the subject matter is usually chosen for them.  I think most of these people work designing models for the Legoland theme parks (working in Legoland), or for promotional events (at corporate headquarters).

    C) Set designers - these are people who work out how to build new sets for Lego.  From what I know, they have the most freedom of subject matter, but they have very strict rules about how things are constructed (IE they have to be sturdy, they have to be safe, etc).

    These jobs are pretty difficult to get.  And they have to be looking.  There were some openings a couple years ago for set designers, and about 5 years ago for master builders.  I'm not aware of any openings at the moment, however.

    1st off, you have to be skilled with Lego bricks.  That means being able to build quickly and having good dexterity and fine motor skills.  And if you want to be a designer, you have to build VERY well.  Master builders have tests to see if they can build well, but from what I know, the test focuses more on other things than pure building talent.

    It also focuses on attitude, since you're often exposed to kids, and are frequently a sort of public face for the company.  If you're generally a friendly and outgoing person, you'll do much better than if you're more of a keep-to-yourself type.

    As for pay, I'm not sure.  The salary for a Master Builder a few years ago was in the 40k ballpark, if I recall correctly.  They held a contest back in the early 2000's for Master Builders who would work at Legoland, and I think that was the ballpark salary I heard at the time.  But given that the ownership of the parks has changed around, and Lego's undergone some other massive changes, that may no longer be accurate.

    I have the impression that the Master Designers and Set Designers get paid more competitively, but I don't actually know.  Set Designers are (I believe) all in Denmark, so comparing salary is probably meaningless anyway.


  2. To be a builder you have to build something out of some lego bricks you are given. I don't know if there's a time limit. I searched the lego site and there are no vacancies in the US. There are some in Denmark but judging from your question you probably don't want to move there. You may be able to get a job at Lego Land in California. They have people there who build displays for the park. If you want more information visit the Lego site and at the bottom click "About Us". There is a lot of information there. Sorry I can't be of more help.

    P.S. I don't know what a job there pays.

  3. Call them and ask them.
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