
Working around a Schedule?

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OK i'm in highschool and i'm about to get my permit and I play on the basketball team. I want to get a job to buy me stuff so I won't have to ask my parents all the time. I'm thinking about working at Chick-Fil-A since they hire at 15 and I am 15. I mean basketball hasn't started yet. I would be ok now working there but after football season basketball will come and that's where I run into my problem. How am I going to go to school everyday, learn, chill, go to basketball practices, and do my homework, and then keep a job all at the same time. I'd be exhausted everyday. I find that pretty hard to deal with. What do you think I should do and don't say don't worry about a job or try to say be a kid because I am going to get me job. What should I do though.




  1. See if you can just work one day a week... either a Saturday or Sunday. That way you can still have a bit of extra money, without if effecting your grades, relax time (which you and your body needs) or basketball.

  2. That's tough.  School has to be your first priority, and sports probably your second.  But I understand why you'd want the extra spending money!  Check into the hours Chick-Fil-A would require, and if it seems like more than you can handle, you may want to come up with something else that's more flexible.  Check around for jobs that may need your help fewer hours or only on weekends, etc., or look into something like mowing lawns or running errands for your neighbors to help make a little extra cash without the demands of a traditional part-time job.

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