
Working at JCpennys?

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I'm starting tomorrow and I am sooo scard... I never worked with retail before. I mean I was a waitress and worked in a dentest office but nothing like this... I think I am starting in the juniors dressing room and putting clothes away.. Doesnt sound too hard... Has anyone worked their or someplace like it..




  1. fitting rooms are the worst!!!!!!!! good luck though retail si not as bad as what people make it sound like though good luck!

  2. I used to work at Mervyn's Department Store when I was younger. It was my first job.

    As a waitress, you have already learned how to handle a cash register. You also learned how to handle all types of customers--the fun and chatty customers, the disgruntled customers, and the parents with children. You also learned how to satisfy the disgruntled customers or how to pawn them off to the manager when necessary. Working at JCPennys is the same. You'll be able to muster up all of your customer service skills and improve them at the department store.

    As far as your duties, not only will you be putting clothes away, you may also be responsible for re-stocking shelves, folding, cleaning the floor (clothing-wise), telephone service, cash registers, and anything else that your department manager may need you to do. You will also learn a different way of folding and hanging clothes than what you were taught at home.

    I forgot to mention fitting rooms. I used to work in the women's department and would sometimes have to stay in the fitting room as well. It's not the worst part of the job. You just have to make sure that all the rooms are cleared out and clothes get put away. You do have to be extra wary of those who try to enter the fitting room with "hidden clothes".  But, you'll learn all about that during your training.

    All in all, working at JCPennys can be a fun experience.

  3. I just started working at JCPenney today! Basically all I did was walk around and fold clothes. Pretty simple and kind of boring actually.
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