
World Best's Curry Chicken?

by  |  earlier

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Please write your secret recipe with instructions on your best curry chicken.




  1. expert in cooking..ive been cooking everyday...i dont noe u from which tried out my curry from singapore..its cheap and easy to do ...


    1 Whole Chiken (cut by 6-8 pieces)

    4 large potato(cut by 2-4)

    3 large tomato(cut into 4)

    curry leaves

    5-6 shallots(slice)

    1-2 cup tamarind juice(lemon juice also can..)

    1-2 cups of oil

    250ml-1litre coconut milk(u also can use skim milk)

    1-2litre plain water


    (B)1-2 cardamom pods

    2-3 star anise

    1 cinnamon stick

    (A) Blend

    2-3 onion

    2-3 garlic

    5-6 dried chillies

    4 inches ginger

    250gm meat curry powder (the best Baba's brand or House brand)


    1.Cook ingredients (A),(B) together with the Chiken and potatoes with 1-2litre of plain water in cooking pot till the chiken potatoes soft and tender.(2 teaspoon of salt)

    2. Put in the coconut milk and tamarind juice wait till it boiled and simmer down.

    3. In meanwhile heat the cooking pan with oil,fried the shallots and curry leaves till dark brown.

    4.Pour in the ingredients that u fried into the cooking pot.(all together with the oil)

    5. Taste it followed by salt.. u have to estimate the salt by urself..

    6.Last but not least.. u put in the tomatoes n u switch the stove fire off.

    GOOD LUCK.......

  2. Ahh and give the secret up? .... Why not just come over and I'll make some up.

    I think the best curry chicken starts out with the best spices for the curry powder. If you start your chicken with a curry you are not fond of, no amount of other ingredients is going to help it out.

    One secret is to marinate your chicken in the cury for several hours or preferable over night before beginning it.

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