
World War 3?????????

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i keep thinking that it Will happened soon and it will hit US soil idk why but i do like when i sleep ill dream about it and stuff like that and i was wondering if it dose hit US soil who would start a resistance?




  1. If say... Russia wanted to kill us all, there wouldent be a resistance. 99% of people would be dead if the russians wanted. But we would kill them as well before ourselves were hit. And dont think about super fallout shelters, not if thousands of nukes hit everywhere. It would literally be a whole new world. Made out of radiation.

  2. Interesting Question. I think Russia were waiting for the Georgians to take back South Ossetia.(Originally Georgian Territory) that lies on the Russian border.

    This then gave the Russians an excuse to attack Georgia. The Russians are making an example of the small Georgian army to tease the western world (especially USA).

    Georgia was the third largest contributor of troops to Iraq just behind the UK and USA. This would make Georgia an alloy of the United States.

    The United States have replied by agreeing with Poland to build missiles on the Polish borders aimed towards Russia. In Exchange USA has provided Poland with various Military materials.

    Russia has now threatened to storm Poland, but in order to do so, they would have to storm Ukraine which lies between the two countries.

    USA would not stand by while Russia attacks Poland(A Very Close Alloy), this very well could result in WW III in the coming years. But the odds are it wont as all the nations involved in the current conflict are members of NATO.

    If it was to result in a war between the two nations, Russia would most definitely fancy their chances because the US Army are currently bogged down in silly wars all over the middle-east that they are struggling to win.

    Can You imagine the consequences against A Huge Military Army such as Russia, who are almost as advanced as the US. With nearly Triple the amount of troops !

    Have A Nice Weekend,

    Raymond de Roiste

  3. if it gonna hit us soil obviously our army will go and try to protect us but we will eventaully rebel ourselves trying to protect our homes....scary thinkin bout it

  4. The UN was set up (and before it, the League of Nations, although that failed) to prevent another world war ever happening. It is meant to provide a way for countries to argue and be moderated.

    Also, have you ever heard of the ANZUS treaty? It's what dragged us (Australia) into your 'war on terrorism' even though none of the 9/11 attacks were in the pacific theatre mentioned in the treaty (for those who don't know, the ANZUS treaty is between the US and Australia to protect common interests in the pacific, such as if Japan were ever to attack either of us again, the other would go to the victim's defence). The ANZUS treaty would no doubt be invoked again in the event of war on US soil and although people underestimate our defence force, you'd find other countries would think twice about joining the war.

  5. I mean something is coming, but when is the question I think we have a couple of years man...

    like 2010...

    something big... Biblical.. the End of America.. End of Babylon..

  6. another ww3 qustion haha .... even if the us is hit by nukes yous will be able to strike back just as hard or harder at the enemy and the military wuld obviously be the first resistance but civilians will also arm themselves if invaded well apart frm the mcdonalds eating couch potatoes which the us has so many off .... go aussie haha  

  7. it is just a dream ok. and you know dreams are the opposite of what will happen and maybe your dream maybe interpreted by someone who is expert on dreams' interpretation. I also dream that i am falling from a building and watching people hitting each other. but of course it will not happen am i right? don't worry! just empty your mind before sleeping. maybe before you sleep you think about it. just empty your mind and that's it!!..

  8. Yes dreams do come to pass & WWlll is on the horizon. When it comes there is only ONE who can help us & it is not the airforce, the army or the marines.

  9. Everyone who supports the 2nd amendment.

  10. army, marines, air force, and the navy.
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