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Last night I was on here and soneone said the world was ending the date 12-12-12

Do you beleive that?

I'm concerned about it!






  1. The "world" will never end, matter is neither created nor destroyed. Life on earth is a different story and can end at any time, from 24hrs to millions of years... Its called nature. Once the sun dies, the earth will freeze up and become a solid mass of rock, but that's billions of years away, so you dint need to worry about it! Just live your life like today is your last day on earth because to be honest, you never know!

    (Also, at the rate which we are destroying the planet, we are simply increasing the probability that life on earth will end sooner rather than later)

  2. OMG i keep seein that to its on the news, and i hear it everywhere, however you cant always believe what you hear, however, at the rate in which people are polluting a mis-treating the planet, the end could come sooner that you think, just live everyday like it was yuour last, because to be honest you never know! Just Live Laugh Love and take care,

    Courtney D.  :)

  3. no that's a bunch of b.s.

    the world was supposed to end a million times before and its still going on...

    the 2012 rumor started cause the mayan calandar ends then and its a bunch of pop culture mystic hoopla.

  4. no i have to say that i don't believe that rumor.  as a Christain I belive that the world is going to end but we just don't know WHEN.  i think it is just a rumor.

  5. No I do not believe the world will end on 12-12-12. This rumor is based on Jose Arguelles' interpretation of the Mayan calender. However, it is not supported by professional Mayan scholars nor is it based on any facts. There is more information in the links I provided below.

    This is a good example of how you cannot always believe everything you read. You should always question your sources of information- especially when they come from the internet and television. Remember, anyone can post information on this website and that there are people who lie!

    Currently, the only way the Earth will be destroyed faster than it should be are by human beings. If you are concerned about preserving the well being of the world, you can start by volunteering to help your community persevere the local environment.

    I hope this helped!

  6. Sure, the worlds ending, but just not from that silly 12-12-12 thing. Everything is born, grows and dies...including the earth. But I really don't see how a date on a calender determines how and when based SOLEY on the numbers!

  7. According to the Mayan calendar, on December 21, 2012 the world is supposed to end. Some people say that if you can find the 13 crystal skulls you can save the world. That part isn't true. To create crystal skulls you would need advanced technology to create a crystal that resembles a skull, but the Mayans did not have that technology. There are many beliefs that the world will end soon like Newtons theory of how the world will end in 2060 (i watched NOVA). According to scientists the world won't end for a couple billion years until either we get sucked up into a super black hole from two black holes colliding or get thrown out of our solar system and die with out an energy source (NOVA again).

    I don't think that December 21, 2012 is the end of the world but it just marks the beginning of a new era or how we change the world.

  8. That is just a bunch of bull $#!^,!!

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