
World of Warcraft profession question?

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Currently my Leatherworking is lvl 135 and right now I want to change to Alchemy. I want to know if I change to Alchemy and later on I decide to change back to Leatherworking will my skill in Leatherworking still be 135 or will it reset to 0?




  1. It goes back to 0.  If you want Alch. its best to get herbalism.  The herbs get really expensive.  I dropped my tailoring and picked up herbalism and got it from 0-375 in 2 nights.  Its not hard to lvl.  If you do go Alchemy as you are lvling your herbing you can lvl your alchemy without spending much gold.  I on the other hand, went herbing and enchanting.  Herbing for the money and enchanting cause I WILL not buy those expensive mats off the AH and I can just enchant my own items.  Now that I have all the enchants I need the mats are just more money!  Plus 20g tip for enchants!

  2. yea it will go to 0. Alchemy isn't all its cracked up to be. If you are an alchemist you need to buy vials and then you would also need to (ideally) be a herbalist too.

  3. Once you delete leatherworking, if you decide to get it again it will be at 0.

  4. ZERO!!

  5. resets, as others have said, but what class are you?

    personally,  if you want money, and cool items later on, i would recommend mining and jewelcrafting. i usually get about 300+g after a couple of hours farming ore.

    im sure you get more doing dailies, but im not quite 70 yet. selling ore makes good money though, for most servers.

  6. Like the others said yes it'll reset to zero. If you really want alchemy that bad though the herbs do get pricey be ready to change to herbalism. And remember if you do do herbalism that normal flora rules of nature seem to apply to WoW. Example, Teldrassil has herbs EVERYWHERE as you'd expect, for the newbies leveling up, because it's, well, a tree. So be sure to think of that when gathering herbs.

  7. It will reset, I wouldn't recommend Alchemy, my friend has it maxed and it's still lame.

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