
World of warcraft priest and palidan?

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i am playing wow and i want to make a healer what is a better healer a pally or a priest and wichi is better and fighting and overall i heard it is better to make a priest because it heals better and has spells like a mage and i heard it is better for a plaay beacause they can hael the same and take more damage and tank. so i really wanna make one so can someone help me out




  1. My boyfriend play a lot and from what I have heard with him and he plays with a mage. You can heal just as well. Mages are made to fight, but they can heal well. They can make their own food and water. Priest are okay if you just want to heal.

    Check out this website:

  2. it's a matter of personal opinion and frankly it just depends on what your play style is.

    If you want to play a melee/heal hybrid go pally, if you want a caster/heal hybrid go priest.

  3. Blizzard has created the game so that all classes are equal.

    Some are more difficult to play than others and some classes are good against other classes as well as bad against others.

    It all depends on how you prefer to play which can still be altered through the talent trees.

    Priests are the better healers especially when they are in the Holy talent tree. If you want to specialize in doing more damage and affecting your target then you are best off in the Shadow talent tree. The least popular talent tree for priests, based on what i believe is having more defense and health is the discipline tree.

    Now paladins... I don't know too much about them, but yes they can heal, not as great as priests and they can tank almost as well as warriors if they are in the right talent tree. A lot of people call them 'easy-mode' because generally when a paladin gets into a situation where they are about to die and can't heal in time they "bubble" (use a spell that makes you invulnerable) and run away.

    They have a few abilities like that which come in handy.

    They are slightly difficult to get used to and you really have to read the spells to understand what you are doing.

    They have a dispelling ability like the priests as well as resurrection.

    These classes are not the only ones that can heal.

    Druids and shamans can as well.

    They are hybrid classes like the paladin and can both heal tank or be DPS.

    You can find out about all the classes on and on the forums.

    Hope this helps,

    Chloe =]

    PS. Mages can not heal, they can only regenerate health outside of combat by eating food.

    Although they can regenerate their own mana with one ability.

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