
Worried 1st time Mom!?

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My daughter is 9 mo old and yesterday she fell off the bed that is 33inches high- a little over 2.5 ft-Anyways after she fell, I rushed her to the ER where she was checked out and they said she was fine...She is acting fine and all today however I am still so weary about it. Can her falling from the Bed cause Brain Damage/Shaken Baby? Im so nervous, I just want to take her back and have them look at her.




  1. every mother panics. don't worry about it, if the doctors say she's fine, she's fine. shaken baby syndrome has almost immediate effects and brain damage would have been detected. it's okay, really!  

  2. No, the majority of babies have a fall at some point, your doctor wouldn't have let you go home if there was any danger. Babies are a lot less fragile than we think. Just keep an eye on her for drowsiness etc and make sure she can focus and follow your finger if you move it in front of her face.

  3. relax mom!  babies bodies can take more than you can think they can.  Babies fall everyday...unless it was from a very high place and they fell on a pile of rocks...I would not worry too much.  If you rush to the er every time the baby does something or has a sniffle....the only thing you are going to a very large hospital bill with a very healthy baby.

  4. my sisters about 7 months and im gonna be a antie   yayayayayay = ]

    shes due in october,

    you will be fine dont worry its normal for parents to be worried and nervous

    good luck xx

  5. I can totally understand you being worried, I am sure I would be also. If you took your baby to the ER and they said she is fine I am sure that she is. If it would make you feel better you could make her an appointment with her pediatrician for a little extra peace of mind. I wouldn't worry about brain damage or shaken baby syndrome, especially if she is acting fine but it might make you feel better to have a second opinion. :)

  6. Hey calm down, you did what any caring parent would do and are acting appropriately as well.

    Babies are quite tough really.  Not that you should test there limits or anything stupid like that.  She is fine!  

    Good job Mom!  Just try to look out for potential hazards.  Those little critters can be quick.

  7. Don't worry. She's 9 months old and if the doctors said that she's fine, then she probably is. She didn't fall very far which is a good thing. If she was seriously hurt, then she would be showing symptoms of being injured, like crying when you touch her legs or arms or if it was a head injury, then she may vomit. She's not doing any of that so don't worry!

  8. Mild TBI (traumatic brain injury) can happen with just the smallest bump on the head.  Please right now get an ice pack and put it on your daughters head wherever she hit.  I don't have time to look up the web-site where I read that this small action can prevent so much.  It should be done right after the fall, but even doing it now will prevent those neurons from dying.  Don't make her uncomfortable or scared- just tell her it will make her feel better.  Please do it for her future.  

  9. dont worry my daughter fell off a chair when she was younger then that...almost every baby falls at some point...its normal and fine

  10. no she is fine. if she was not fine they would tell you my 2 year old daughter does this all the time now. the first time she did it she was 10 months old and now she is 2 year old. but if your still worried take her to the dr but they are going to say as long as she is acting fine and eating and drinking fine then she is fine.  

  11. Babies are pretty tough.  If the ER doc said she was fine then go with that and relax.  If she starts acting lethargic or limp or overly sleepy, then  maybe call the ER back and describe her symptoms.  I'm betting she's fine.  Just be calm, you'll get her raised.  I had four boys and they had all kinds of mishaps and you should see them now,  Fine boys/men every one.  Good luck, honey and again, relax..  :)

  12. They are obligated to get it right the first sure they did everything possible to ensure the baby was fine before it left their care. I have heard of babies falling incredible heights and having no more then bruises, and then there are stories like yours where the baby falls a foot or two and dies, so it really depends on the fall and what position. The hospital did everything to ensure the baby is fine. However, If you are worried and something seems still wrong then take it to another hospital instead of the first one and have someone else examine the child, in some rare cases babies are misdiagnosed or ever not diagnosed with a problem or injury, the staff fail to miss the problem or damage sometimes.

    Good luck and lots of kisses to the little one.

  13. that happened to me as well . my son fell off the bed that was kinda high , i took him to be checked out and all is good. if the doc says she fine them go with it. any brain injuries would appear almost immediatly . the lesson i learned is you cant turn your back for one second b/c they are quick  

  14. shaken baby is caused by the brain repeatedly hitting back and forth inside the skull. You would already have noticed problems. Relax, if she has already been checked and pronounced as fine, I'm sure she's ok

  15. shes ok if the dr.s say shes ok

    yoour a mom and you have a right to worry but

    kids just fall sometimes

  16. if she is acting fine and the dr's at the er are not worried then you shouldn't be either. its been noted that she fell off the bed in her records at the hospital and they would of or should of did some cat scans to check brain waves which would show if their was any damage and that would of showed shaken baby and they have to by law tell you that . so no i see no reason you should worry as long as you did take her to the er.

  17. it's totally normal to freak out as a first time mom but try to relax because they already checked her out. if anything was wrong they would have found it then. she's fine!  

  18. theres nothing to worry about... if the doctors said shes fine then she might be fine.... and if she would have a brain damage or an injury on head then she might have puked at the time when she fell off...

    but even if you are not convinced that she is fine... then i suggest that you should again go for a check up of hers....

  19. She's fine.  She isn't a newborn.
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