
Worried about my girlfriend.?

by  |  earlier

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A couple of days ago she was in walmart an got hot and sweaty, very tired, blurred vision and almost fainted. Her mom said it was Overheating, My mom said it sounds like low blood sugar but she had ate a couple of minutes ago. she's almost 5 months. I love her and want to make sure she and my daughter are alright.




  1. you d**n sweety you!! good to know there are blokes like you out there!! look this happened to me when i was pregnant and i was fine, i had just had a hot shower and got a little overheated. i was about 4 months pregnant. me and my lil boy are and were bot ok! i was just overheated and also needed something to eat.. your gf would be having regular checkups at this stage of pregnancy and so she should let the doctor know about it. but unless it happens again i would definatly not be conserned,. being pregnant is a huge strain on your body and her hormones are going crazy right now. she is very lucly to have you.. goodluck and congratulations on becoming a father!

  2. Then encourage her to see her doctor and explain what happened.  Pregnancy can do crazy things to our bodies, so chances are that everything is ok....but better safe than sorry.  Best of luck.

  3. Its very easy to get dehydrated even when its not super hot out.  She should watch her fluid intake. Just being pregnant I know sometimes you can get dizzy spells from moving to quickly. Talk to the doctor always with any concern. Lots of luck

  4. best advise i can offer is take her to the doctor to make sure they are both ok..

    when a woman is going through pregnancy her bloodflow increases and there for can cause dizzyness blurred vision etc.. i am almost 5 months and i have experienced the same symptoms.. my problem is, is low blood pressure..

    your girlfriend may be experiencing the same.. get her checked out just to make sure all is ok..

    all the best.

  5. She needs to get checked by her doctor for blood pressure.  I too feel this way sometimes due to low blood sugar but it happens if I haven't ate in a while.  Just to be on the safe side call the doc and let them know how she felt

  6. You can ring the hospital and ask for a midwife to give you some advice.

    They will understand your concerns.

    Even better if she rings herself as she can tell them what happened more accurately.

    I got like that a lot and it is probably both - she overheated and had low blood sugar - remember a baby takes a lot from her body - but also she is probably doing too much and this is her body warning her - when shopping she needs to take rests so find a chair in each shop, don't keep her on her feet too long.

    Pregnancy is a funny thing - one minute I was 8 months and couldn't walk far without being out of breath and the next my husband came home to find I had mowed the lawn and dug up the garden.

    Nesting insticts will make her strong but she should just follow her bodys signals to be safe.

  7. Why aren't you married?

  8. The symptoms you described should not be ignored.  They are signs of preeclampsia.  Call the doctor and explain what happened.  I had the exact same symptoms even disoriented as if I was drugged.  I went and saw the doctor and for me it was anxiety, but it was a medical scare for me and the baby!  Go get checked out!

  9. it sounds either like a hormone thing,drop in blood sugar or blood presure problems.she needs to get it checked out

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