
Worried about school...?

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I'm going to year 10 in september. I have sleepless nights worring about gcses etc. I am dreading going back to school because 1. I think the holidays have gone too fast and 2. i said to people i'm going to try to lose weight but so far I have been running every night and ithe weight hasn't shifted.




  1. im going into year 10 too and i also have sleepless nights because all the girls in my year are either b*****s or snobs and i guess i worry more about the social than the education which i SHOULDNT but i cant help it. Im also very unpopular because i am shy. So really what you have to worry about is nothing.

  2. I just finished year 11 and trust me when I tell you that you'll be fine. I was scared too, but I got through it and hopefully my results will be okay. My only advice is to always hit coursework deadlines and do it to the best of your ability because they improve you grades, and start revising for GCSE's right at the beginning of year 11. The only regret I have when it comes to my GCSE's is that I didn't do as much as I could have; I kept thinking, it's okay, I've got 100 days til the exams I can do some revision nearer the time, but before I knew it I only had 10 days to go and I hadn't done nearly as much work as I should have. MAKE SURE YOU START REVISION EARLY! It's the one thing I'd change if I could do it all again, and the one thing that's crucial to success, so make sure you get plenty of revision in and start it ASAP.

  3. just because the holidays are gone too fast doesn't mean that things will be bad

    and about your weight.. it's not just about exercising, but also eating right

    also, when it comes to academics.. you just have to go through with it  

  4. dont torture urself too much. grade 10 is going to be fine, just relax and concentrate during class and ur going to be alright.

    and yes i totally agree with u about the holidays going to fast, and if u want to lose weight u need to balance ur diet, its better to run after dinner time so when u get home u just drink water and eat some fruits.  

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