
Worry about babysitting...Please Help.?

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I am only 13 and I love to babysit and play with kids. Every time I babysit though, I end up having no fun, because I always think of the worst thing that could happen. I babysit a 2 and a 5 year old. It's not the 5 year old I worry about, but the two year old. I am afraid she is going to fall, and hurt herself, or crack her head on the play structure slide. When she jumps on the trampoline, I freak out that she will severly hurt herself and tell her not to. When she eats I am afraid she will choke on something. I really hate this, and it's happened every single time I babysat for them (at least 12 times). Tomorrow I am babysitting for 7 1/2 hours , when I normally only babysit for 2-5 hours. I really don't want to stress for that long. Any advice? Please I would really appreciate any help. No rude remarks like "Your stupid for worrying" or whatever, I seriously need some advice.




  1. Kids do get hurt. It happens. Just be very careful when the little one is playing. Make sure not to leave her alone at all when she is eating or playing or anytime at all really. Just relax and enjoy playing with the kids. If something does happen then call either her parents or 911 depending on how bad it is. Everything should be fine as long as you keep a close eye on them.

  2. I too babysit,, I started out babysitting a baby who was only a few weeks old. I too worried but I just thought of ways I wouldn't have to worry. If you worry you begin to get nervous and it just gets worse from there on....

    Example: With trampoline,, Tell them to jump in the middle of trampoline,, 1 at a time.. Whats the worse that could happen? The 2 year old should be able to keep pretty good balance by now.

    Have fun!

  3. One way to give yourself a little bit more confidence (which can help you stop worrying) is to take a babysitting course.  The Red Cross offers great babysitting classes that will teach you first aid techniques.  Learning things like CPR, the Heimlich, and other basic first aid can give you a bit more peace of mind while babysitting.  Being self-confident that you would know what to do in a situation can help you stop worrying about the 'what-if's.

  4. really dont worry youll be fine!!! just make sure when playing you play too you dont need to watch her like a hawk but play with her to and when shes eating just make sure she chews and swallows and shell be fine and youll be fine just dont worry because if you think about it to much you wont wanna babysitt for them in more because of fear

  5. Just play it safe.....tell yourself you know what you would do if something happened and you need not to worry till something does. I am sure it will be many times has something happened to her when you babysat??? my point exactly .

  6. The fact that you worry, makes you a good babysitter.  Parents want sitters that think about those risks you mention because that means you are paying close attention to their little ones :)  

    To help yourself feel more in control though, try to think through what you would do in case of each of the emergencies you mention.  If the baby was choking, how would you respond?  If she fell off the trampoline and hurt herself, what would you do?  

    Come up with a game plan ahead of time and ask questions for any situation that you couldn't think of an answer for.  No parent will mind helping you put together an emergency plan.  Just ask them..."You know, I worry when Jane plays on the trampoline that she may fall and hurt herself.  What would you like for me to do if this happens?"  Obviously if one of the children severly injures themself, call 911 first, then call the parents, then call a neighbor or your own parents for help until emergency assistance gets there.  But if the kids just bump themselves or get a bruise or something, you could have a plan that includes knowing where the first aid kit is in the house, and knowing how to call the parents if you think the child needs them.

    You sound pretty responsible which is why you worry.  Now you know what a parent feels like too ;)

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