
Worst mistake of my [young] life!?

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I made a really bad mistake yesterday. please no rude comments. Ok so when my mom and dad and sister were at work and school i pierced the left side under my lip by myself. I know it was a horrible mistake and i totally regret it i thought i would really like it. I am not allowed to have any holes in my body except my ears. I am 15 btw. So anyway i have to hide it from my parents like every time i go inside because i am always outside with my sister i have the ring in and when they come outside i have my coverup handy with me and i take the ring out and put the makeup over the hole. I dont know how to prevent a infection so can someone please help me and my parents still dont know!




  1. just take it out and keep it clean. i would suggest minimal makeup, because that might infect it worse...but i dont blame you for not wanting your parents to know, i have a tattoo on my wrist that i have to keep hidden. try rubbing alcohol or antibacterial soap and water to keep it clean. good luck!

  2. Take it out now! You should never do DIY piercings. The best way to prevent infection is to take it out. Make sure you keep that area clean, maybe you could ring a local piercer and get some advise. If you ever fancy a piercing again please always go to a professional.

    Don't worry, everyone makes mistakes when they're young, it's part of growing up, just make sure you learn from them x

  3. I don't understand....if you don't like it and your parents dont allow it why don't you just take it out and keep it clean with soap and water??

  4. .. If you regret it just take it out! It will heal!

    Our else get someone to go to a piercing store and get some of that liquid they give to people when they get piercing to keep away infections,

    Or else hydrogen peroxide works too, or rubbing alcohol!

  5. why don't you just NOT keep on sticking the ring in your lip? wait for it to heal up and just tell your parents you fell & cut your lip or something.

    I have no idea why those lip piercings are even popular!!! God i don't blame your parents for not wanted it, they are so hideous gahhh.

    [EDIT]: the ring is hideous i mean, not your parents... hee.

  6. dont put makeup on it for sure tht could infect it bad and then u would have to tell ur parents so u can go to the doc ..................take it out and leave it out dont leave it in at all dont wear it to skewl either let it close up


  7. If you continue to do this you will scar your face, and possibly get an infection.  Normally, you should not take the ring out of a new piercing until it has "toughened", which means COMPLETELY healed, which can take up to a year for a difficult spot.  Please take it out now.  Just clean it, and let it heal.  If you see any signs of redness, go to a doctor or see your school nurse (if you have one).  You should never touch a fresh piercing with anything other than clean hands, water, and a mild cleanser.  Actually, what will really help heal it fast is a salt water soak.  Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in warm water, put some in a shot glass or on a gauze pad, and soak it on your lip.  Do this a couple of times a day, stop putting makeup on it, and stop touching it.  Take the ring out and tell your parents it is a really bad pimple.  

  8. You need to take it out obviously. Having the ring in there is only going to increase the chance that it gets infected. Your body is also going to heal the piercing, and it's not going to be able to do that with the jewelry in there.

    Betadine would be the best way to keep it clean, but that would burn like h**l if you have hole in the side of your mouth. You really need a nurse to do that because they have the right training and medicines to use. Plus, not that many people even know what Betadine is, much less have it in their house.

    If you want to make sure that doesn't get infected, then you have to get to the hospital. Obviously your parents are going to be pisst, but if you did something incorrectly when you pierced it, you can potentially get a blood infection. I'm sure they would rather you tell them what you did, rather than risk something serious happening. Cause people get infections all the time from those do-it-yourself piercings. A piercing isn't just a scrape that you can wash and cauterize.

    Plus, it's likely to scar if it isn't treated right.

    If you're not going to show your parents right away, then you still have to take the ring out. Like right now-right now. Not later. Now. Cause that's going to get infected. The hole isn't going to heal right away, it's going to take time, but it will heal. So I'm not telling you to hide this from your parents, but if you keep it clean with either Betadine or other topical antibiotics, the risk of infection will be minimized. However, you have to know that you're not allergic to Betadine, cause some people are and it will cause even more problems if you use it. That's why it would be best to tell your parents so they can get you the a hosptial and do this the right way. Obviously the DIY approach doesn't work, as you have just learned from this experience.

  9. I know this may be the worst thing possible to you but you need to tell your parents.Yeaa they'll be mad at first and they worst punishment you can get cannot be worse than a nasty infection that could permantly deform and infect your lip.Especially if you didnt peirce it with a clean needle.

    Good Luck && Don't do anything like this again!

  10. ur stupid

  11. take it out if you don't like it. wash the area with Hibeclens to prevent infection ( you can get it at any local drugstore). If you notice that its not healing right or starting to get infected then please go to the doctor. Even if you have to lie to your parents and say you cut your lip or something. That is a very bad area for infection so just keep an eye on it. And in the future if you want to get another piercing please have a professional do it! Good luck

  12. If you don't want it there.. take it out and let the hole heal up.. If you want don't want to get an infection clean it with soap and water.  

  13. A piercing is not permanent, if you don't like it, just take it out!! The hole will close very fast since it's new- you probably won't even be able to put the ring in the next day. But putting it in and out will almost definitely cause an infection, especially putting make-up on a fresh open wound!! Just take it out and let it heal, tell your parents you had a pimple or something.  

  14. well the best best thing to do to prevent infection is to tell your parents that you got it pierced because you taking it out every day wont make it heal right and you can get it infected by touching it alot if you want it face the facts and tell your parents it not like you got a tattoo that is permeate

    if you decide to keep it rinse it with warm water with salt  

  15. Take it off before gets worse, it will heal by itself.  

  16. okay sweet heart. take the ring out, taking it out and in will lead to infection, the wound is too new. doing this outside where it is not clean is not the best thing, and putting make up over it is pretty silly too, sory to say. so take out the ring, boil some water with aa little sea salt in and let it cool a bit- use this to clean the area thoroughly to prevent infection. you should do this several times a day. please do not put make up on it. it should scab over night and you can say its a spot or coldsore. if it gets infected go and see your doctor for an antibiotic and keep cleaning it. do not touch it other then to clean it and make sure your hands are super clean before yu do,antibacterial soap or dish washing liquid is good for cleaning your hands with and lots os hot water for them and your lip. wait a few years and go to a nice reputable clean piercers and get it done there- much better idea!!

  17. Take out the ring.

    Keep cover up off of it, it's an injury and putting stuff like that on it, will go into your body and cause even worse things.

    Keep it clean.

    And if your parents ask what the hole is (they'll notice it) just say you cut yourself with something sharp, or you accidentally got stabbed in the mouth with a pencil etc. something probable.

    Or, if you want to keep the piercing, then just come clean to your parents and then once the idea sets in that you already have a hole there, then maybe they will take you to get it professionally pierced and you'll get proper aftercare instructions etc. and you won't have to hide it from your parents.

  18. I did that when I was fifteen, only I did it with my nose.  I don't wear the nose ring anymore, but, because I took it in and out so much, the hole will not close, and is pretty noticable.  If you are disappointed with the piercing, you should probably just take it out.  The longer you prolong this, what with ripping it in and out, the longer it will take to heal, and then, if you do outgrow it, you will always have that hole there.  The sooner you take it out, the better chance you have of it not scarring.  You should also not put makeup on it, that will eventually lead to an infection.  But, I totally understand because I did the same thing when I was your age.  :D

  19. The problem is not only that you could get a serious infection but also without having the jewelery in there consistantly it's never gonna heal properly, let alone look right when you do have the jewelery in it. i'm guessing you didn't pierce it with a hollow needle so right now it's just a blunt wound, so if you keep it clean and stop putting the jewelery in it should heal really fast.. Also, putting make-up anywhere around or in the hole is a BAD idea. it's just gonna make it worse. You need to get your hands on some sea salt and make a salt water mix with it and rinse with that. also if you can get a few bucks, go buy yourself some bactine mouthwash. that will help kill infection as well. but i say let it heal up and do it when you get parent permission or get old enough to do it on your own.

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