
Worth buying a LCD tv?

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I already have a 48cm standard tv with good quality, nothing wrong with it, but I am thinking of upgrading.

If I upgrade I will probably get a 51cm LCD tv.

Is it worth me upgrading, yes or no?

And if so could you PLEASE tell me some good things about LCD.

Oh, and by the way if it helps I use it a lot and play xbox 360 on it.

The more info the better :D




  1. The main place you will see a difference is when viewing high definition; the LCD will definitely be better. With standard definition viewing there is no advantage to the LCD.   The other primary difference is in size. The LCD obviously is much thinner. Price wise, the LCD will be far more expensive.

  2. LCD has such a clear picture everything will look amazing on it, best buy has a page to tell you more about lcd and plasma tvs

  3. totally worth you don't even imagine how amazing Xbox  360 games looks on a HDTV is like night and day.  color and sharpness is amazing.

    LCDs possess a number of advantages over Plasma televisions and standard television sets. Such advantages pertain to their cost effectiveness, their space saving capabilities, and their image producing capabilities.

    LCDs are more cost effective because they do not require florescent lighting to work, and their flat shape produces less heat. that can save a lot of  money on your monthly electric bill

    besides the space salving capacities LCD can be placed on a piece of furniture and later watched from any angle in the room

    LCDs produce sharper images and consumers will experience far fewer occasions in which eye fatigue occurs. Many consumers enjoy watching television for several hours at a clip; thus, the clearer images and less glare that are provided from the screens of LCDs can prove to be quite beneficial in alleviating eye fatigue.

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