
Would I get teased?...?

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Okay,I am a 13 year old african american girl and I am a freshman in highschool.So far,its been very hard and I was wondering though.Once I get settled in,I was going to start wearing my own style.I like arm warmers,skulls,black fingernail polish,cartilage piercing,black clothes with lilac lining or red,dragons,japanese kanji etc.We wear uniforms though,but i'm sure i could incorperate it into my uniform.The other girls at my school wear things like neon bead necklaces,huge hoop earrings,air force ones,neon belts etc,and flats.I've tried to wear those before because i was trying to fit in (last year),and it didn't look right on me,and thats when i realized that means that that isn't my style.If i wore my style stuff do you think i'd get teased because i'm black?Even if they tease me,to be honest I really don't care,but i was just wondering.




  1. hey im go'n 2 10th grade & im black 2

    i believe that it depends on the a holes @ ur skool

    but i have a different style 4rm others 2 but @ the same time wearing what u like is what makes u urself....dare 2 b different

  2. i wouldn't tease you [well, if i knew you]

    because it's what you like, and you want it to be your style

    its better to be yourself than to follow the crowd

  3. No you won't just find people that like the same things you do and you will have friends in no time! be talkative and social and look for the punk type people and talk about music that would catch my interest you sound alot like the stuff i like, i have gotten teased about my piercings and hair that it was ugly i have the "scene" style but their was alot of people who gave me compiments on my hair and piercings and appearance i would never cared what haters would have to say everywhere you go your going to have someone hate on you.just don't even bother to care and they will leave you alone!

  4. Don't worry what people are going to think, i weir a lot of the things you do and you'd be surprised how many other people share your style  

    And if they teas you for being black... well that's just stupid

    Be proud of your style and your heritage cuz both of them are all your own! >___<

  5. who cares . its your style.if they tease you they have biggg problems

  6. if they tease you, they're just insecure about themselves.

    you can just laugh at them because you'll know that you have enough confidence in yourself to be who you really are!

    if they were to tease you, it probably would be because deep down they're jealous that you are more original than them!

    wear whatever you want and enjoy it!

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