
Would This Be Tacky or Inappropriate?

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My 2nd cousin died and left my friends all of her estate which is o.k. BUT, there is the picture of my cousin's parents who happened to bring my parents to this country, and I really want this picture for sentimental reasons. Is it ok to ask my friend if I could have this picture? Like I said the parents are related to us, and to me it would be a great honor if I could have it. Because I know my friends would not hold it in great esteem as I would.

Your thoughts, or should I let it go?




  1. definitely ask them for it, i don't think they'd have any problems in giving it to you, especially if you are friends. don't be scared, just ask and you will more than likely receive the photo.

  2. Sorry to hear about your cousin! It is not inappropriate at all for you to ask for the picture. That's your family after all, and you should have the picture if it is that important to you. Your friends probably won't mind handing it over because it is so special to you & would make you feel closer to your cousin.

  3. I think it would be appropriate to ask as long as you explain your sentimental attachment to it. especially because it probably means more to you than to your friends.

  4. I don think so at all and its a very loving sentiment on your part.

    Ask for the picture and if they dont want to give it ask to be able to make a copy of it....

  5. i think i would ask to have a copy made of the photo.  more than likely they would just give you the photo, but by asking to have a copy made it leaves you in a good spot, and like you want something from the house.  just my thoughts

  6. You should definitely ask for the picture.  Of course, explain why you are asking and tell them how much it means to you.  Explain how sentimental you are about the portrait.  I also think it's a good idea (like others have suggested) is to have it reproduced.  Never feel shy about asking for something.  The worst thing that can happen is that someone says no.  

  7. Why don't you ask if you could take the picture and have it copied?  

  8. I agree with the above. Ask for the picture and explain why you would like to have it. Hopefully the friend will let you have it.

  9. It is perfectly appropriate to ask for the picture, especially when you explain the sentimental value it holds for you.

  10. Ask them if you could borrow the photo to copy it because it would mean alot to you.

    Anyone with half a heart would tell you to keep the picture.

    You're not asking alot.

    Even if they don't let you keep it if you can get it copied that is the next best thing.

  11. Just ask if you can borrow it so you can have a reproduction made (about 4 bucks).

  12. I don't think that would be at all inappropriate. Just approach them and explain what it would mean to you on a sentimental/emotional level, and as they are your friends, I think they'd understand completely.  

  13. ask now

    you might not be able to get the chance later

    and you just might get it  

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