
Would a guy such as a...?

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Non preppy guy have a chance with a preppy girl that hes never taked to before?

P.S I seriously think I dont have the courage to ask her out, and my feelings for her are unbalanced




  1. I guess it would kind of depend. I wouldnt say you have no chance but if shes one of the real 'popular' ones I dont know because they obsess about their reputation. But then again if you talk to her and she gets to know you a lot better she might end up liking  you too. I guess it kind of depends on her personality. You might be better off without her and the drama she has.

  2. defanately talk to her because preppy girls go for anyone but the nerdy guys.

  3. Ask her out. No matter what anyone says over here you'll never know until you ask her. If you just wait around for her to ask you -which might not ever happen - you'll already know who's going to be wearing the pants in the relationship. Women like men with confidence, someone who they can rely on to protect them, and to lean onto. You can't do those things without confidence, so BUCK UP.

  4. I'm sure there is a chance. Some girls like the opposite of themselves in a boyfriend.

  5. Yes. Sometimes they are into that (for instance me haha) but if she is bitchy don't feel bad if you get rejected. Oh and you shouldn't change a lot when your around her, or dress different or anything it could be a turn off for her.

  6. yes. a lot of preppy girls go for guys who arent preppy because its different and they want to try new things. they are attracted to things they arent used to. if you decide you like her you should ask her out because she might like you too. dont let fear get in the way of you doing that. rejection is not even a big deal.

  7. IF you dont have the courage to ask her out find the courage to talk to her first. How is she even meant to consider 'giving you a chance' if you haven't even spoken to her? Get to know her, and from there gauge her interest in you. If it looks good - you might find you have the courage to ask her out after all.  

  8. You remind me of Miss teen South Carolina !!!

    Every where like such as and  ........


  9. It's not likely. You should try to get to know her. I was friends with a girl in highschool who would be considered a ghetto white girl and was popular but she only liked skater boys, so there could be a chance.  

  10. You should talk to her be yourself, have you heard of the saying"Closed mouths don't get fed" if u don't you'll never find out you may miss something that could be great for you then you'll start to wonder what if, life is too short GO FOR IT !!!!

  11. you need to talk to her first, if u have trouble talking to pretty girls go online and get a whole bunch of Victoria secret and si swimsuit models and put them as your desk top to desensitize you.

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