
Would a wife want to know?

by  |  earlier

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That her husband has lost romantic feelings for her but still loves her.




  1. talk to her, before you cheat on her. she doesnt deserve that

  2. yes i would want to know- i love my fiancee and would want to be making him happy in all aspects of our relationship and if that dept was lacking iwould do all i can to fix it

  3. No I want the complete package I want to feelings to be mutual.

  4. She probably already does.  

  5. it would probably cause her to want to end the marriage, when a man says this, why even try anymore or invest in someone who doesn't love u.

  6. no bc you might get them back.  if you still love her your not that horrible.  shouldn't talk about things you can't really control.  

  7. I think she needs to know so that the two of you can work on it.

  8. YES!  You need to tell her.  There is nothing worse than being in a one-sided realtionship.  

  9. no ****, she's decided to spend the rest of her life with you

  10. You can't fix it if you don't know it's broken.

    You should tell her.

    Maybe then you two can work on it.

    If you want it to remain the same then don't say a word.

    Good luck

  11. Well one thing I want her to know is that you're a complete *** hole.

    I hope she see's one day that you're nothing but scum and leaves you dying for water in a deep hole filled with venemous lizards.  

  12. I wouldn't tell her that. With the info you gave us all I can say is. You need to do things to get those feelings back.  Now just think what can you do and she do to get the feelings back.  Is she not showing you enough attention because she's busy with kids, work, and cleaning?  help her out to save time. Have you been together a long time? do something new or something you haven't done in a while. Is she your best friend? she should be.

    Add fun in your life with her. I bet you and her have become distant and that is causing and will always cause problems.  

  13. Yes. Then after that divorce/seperate. Or fix the issue.

  14. Yes I would want to know. You can't keep that a secret from her for the rest of your marriage you need to work through it or decide to end it

  15. Well,you cant fix the problem unless you throw it out there,you cant hang on to that stuff its not healthy plus you owe to your spouse to be honest and put forth some effort to salvage the marriage,which cant be done if one thinks everything is fine while the other is having issues,communication is the key word here

  16. I would want to know. And why so maybe I could do something to change it.

  17. Yes.. I'm just waiting for him to admit he is g*y!

  18. I suppose I would want to know just so that I could try to improve the situation.

  19. Yes, we have been going through this also. We talked about it and decided to work on our relationship.  

  20. no..  what, did you find a lover or something?  

  21. No, this is just one of those things that you as a man have to learn to fake.  Sort of like a woman learns to fake orgasms.

    She doesn't want to know the truth on this subject.  If you love her let her have her fantasy of a loving, romantic husband.

  22. You're a smart cookie, aren't you? Obviously she would want to know.  

  23. this is hard. i mean leading her on is wrong. i think bn honest is very important. maybe you can talk to her and maybe go to couciling i mean you still love her so it must be fixable? no? i would want to know that way i can find out if we aren't communacting enough. i wish you luck *curliesue*

  24. I would want to know.  

  25. So let us be for real...if you really love her then you would take the time to tell her and you make the changes to make your marriage work. She can't read ya mind.  

  26. Your an A** and I hope your wife moves on and finds someone who really deserves her.

  27. Whether or not she wants to know, she needs to know.

  28. I'd want to know so that I could find someone that DID have romantic feelings for me.  

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