
Would it affect my game if...?

by  |  earlier

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i play tennis a lot...i really really love it, and i'm a 15 year old 4.5 girl.

i don't usually play in tournaments, but i am playing in one next weekend.

i obviously want to practice for this tournament, but yesterday, (when i hit the BEST serve of my life) i broke 4 strings on my racquet.

i live in a small town and i'm not sure when i will be able to get my racquet restrung. definitely before my tournament, though.

until i get it fixed (which i'm working on), should i practice with my backup racquet? my current racquet is strung at 62 pounds, but my back up is 55 pounds.

i don't want to get used to this looser racquet and get my game screwed up.

thanks for your help!




  1. My opinion is to practice with your backup. Unless you're extremely good(5.5+), a few pounds of tension won't affect your game much. Also, its easier to switch from a looser tensioned racquet to a higher tension than the opposite. Besides, its always better to get some kind of practice in than no practice. Just hit with your normal strokes and don't mind the occasional error.  

  2. As a fellow tennis player, normally its ok to use your back up racket in a situation like this, but since its so close to your tournament it might affect your game...  

  3. good job on your best serve ever! i see that we both have our love for tennis in common! i dont think that your game will be messed up by practicing with a new racket, but it might if you dont practice for a week!

  4. I wouldn't play with the 55 pound racquet. (Or the one you don't like as much.) I'd wait and warm up at the tournament. Get your racquets all strung at the same tension next time so it doesn't cause problems!!

  5. i wouldn't cause you might get used to the 55 one and then when you go back to the 62 it will feel off and mess up yur game some!

  6. nope, i would not take a chance with the situation.. if u have a string tension that works for u.. then keep up with that.... as if the tournament goes wrong for u, u do not want the doubt in the back of your mind that your strings went agains't u...

  7. No you shouldn't practice with it.  It does take a while to adjust and once you do, it could be the day of the tournament.  Tip for next time...get two of the same racquets.

  8. I play singles at a D1 college, and I've been in a lot of situations where where the strings break on my favorite racquet, and I have to switch to one of my backups.

    If I were you I would play on the 55 pounder. The tension won't affect your game that much, you'll just hit a few more out than you usually hit. It is better to keep in touch than to sit around thinking you don't want to mess up your groove.

    If you break strings often, think about buying a 3rd racquet so that you can have 2 backups(I have my favorite and 3 racquets each at different tensions for different situations), or buy a stringing machine.

    Well anyways, just play with the backup, as at the 4.5 level I'm sure your are good enough to make slight adjustments on the run.

    Good Luck!

  9. why dont you try making your backup racquet to 62 pounds

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