
Would it do any damage?

by  |  earlier

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if you tried to get a smear but it was too sore and they failed to get one, i tried to get one yesterday and all last night i had pains in the ovary area, not the v******al area but was tender. probably cos they were poking around down there with the speculum thing.

they couldnt do it, i was trying my hardest to relax and attempted it 4 times but they couldnt do it.

would it have done any damage as i was in pain later last night?




  1. no

    it wouldnt have made any damage other wise they would have informed you about after care or any abnormal symptoms after

    your right its only because youre not used to having something searching in all kinds of places in your uterus , ovary area

    next time try to chat to the nurse/doctor about some thing differnt like for example what you have been doing during the day or text one of your friends/or call

    read a magazine quikley just to take your mind off of it

    but if you are still concerned about the pain then ring the doctors office and they will reasure you over the phone also try doing some exersize this will produce discharge and soften your and calm down the pain in your utterus x

    best of look xx

    keep me informed  

  2. I very much doubt it - they are professional and are unlikely to have damaged you. If they had, they would have told you, anyway.

  3. No it wouldn't have done any damage, but you really need to have the smear. Smears can rule out a multitude of conditions, if you are experiencing pain in the ovary area, it is better to suffer the discomfort/pain of the examination, rather than not have the smear and find you could have saved yourself from a possible illness / condition. Do return to the practice nurse, but perhaps try to take mild analgesia (painkillers) 20 minutes before your examination. All the best.

  4. no

  5. you need to discuss this with your doctor

  6. It won't have damaged you, they know what they're doing.

    But if you're in pain, you need to see the doctor.

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