
Would thatcher?

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Of allowed europe to take over as much so she had favour with euro leaders? The PC brigade to interfere in everything? would she have went to war with iraq to make sure when she left her premiership she had powerful friends in the us? Would she have allowed human rights policies to make a mockery of the courts and judges to further the career of her partner and finally when she had done all that step down and hand it over to a greedy jock who did not have a clue?

All i can remember of thatcher is a woman who stood fast for her convictions was inflexible with her beliefs on defending the falklands and did what was best for the country regardless of what other foreign leaders and her people thought of her.




  1. Thatcher might have had iron willed qualities but she was also the most divisive PM we have had in my life. It wasn't a golden era. Many of our social problems were ignited by Thatcherism. Any leader with that certainty in themselves aren't beneficial, we're seeing that lesson again now.

  2. Yes...she took no shite from other countries....but she didn't give a shite about the British public either...

  3. i have to admit i was never a fan of her but looking back she was golden compared to the muppetts in at the moment you just cant take Brown serious he has no conviction unlike Mrs T :)

  4. Fortunately, she was not killed by the IRA bombs in that tory party meeting.

    John major learnt everything from Thatcher but failed to solve new problems.

    Thatcher's era has gone.

    Nevertheless, she left a chief corner stone to us, which brought us back to Winston Churchill: "never give in!!"

  5. Wasn't she against what Europe stood for.

  6. I have to agree with everything that you say.She had to make some unpopular decisions which did not do her "rating" any good but she did have the courage of her convictions which all leaders since then sadly lack. At the time strikes were rife and she managed to break the power of the unions. Many coal mines were unprofitable and had to be shut down and even her Poll tax is still used today with just a new name, Council tax  She did not get the name of the Iron Lady for nothing .

  7. Brilliant woman who took no shite from other countries, political correctness would have been wiped out, discipline instilled into children, a leader to be proud of, a chance for all to prosper and own thier own homes she deserves the state funeral they are planning.

  8. She would have done what was best for the country, as she always did. Crushing the unions was one of the best. My god what a difference to the dithering lilly livered scottish tosspot we have now

  9. She was an outstanding politician and leader of our country. Unfortunately she stopped listening and in the end they got rid of her from the party. She was determined and forthright and would always stand her corner. She would never have allowed europe to govern us nor to make policy for us. The human rights act would have been consigned to the dustbin where it so rightly belongs. We would never have lost control of our borders. She led our services to victory in the Falklands and that is something Blair must still be writhing with shame about - he lied to get us into a war he thought would make him look good but he isn't fit to wipe her shoes!

  10. She wasn't called The Iron Lady for nothing. We need her back! Men just hate strong women.

  11. Cookie> I need an ironing lady thanks for reminding me. x

  12. Thatcher got the us trapped into this euro s**t major blaire and brown have been trying to win us round as their hands are tied on the issue .

  13. She was the best PM you guys had since Churchhill.

  14. no

    dispite what the lefties say, she wasn't an evil facist!

    we need a rolemodel like her now to offer real leadership and a direction - at the moment we are swimming in poo!

  15. Wouldn't glorify her too much if I was you, most of this country's problems at present can be traced back to her.

  16. That anyone is p1ssed off with the current lot I can well sympathise with, but saying MT 'did what was best for the country' ...

    During her 'reign' poverty levels soared from just under 9% to 23% whilst the rich received endless tax breaks.

    Unemployment reached unprecedented levels not seen since 1930's.

    There were endless strikes by NHS,civil servants,seafarers, carworkers, railway name just a few.

    That woman caused very severe and real hardship in millions of working class homes..I really hope she is given a state funeral I shall take great pleasure in seeing the hate filled pantomine it will surely be.

    And I don't class Tony Blair as any better.
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