
Would the English hate me?

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Next summer I plan on bumming around England for a month or two. Im not like most tourists who travel to Europe. I'm not too interested in the tourist areas or museums. I'm not into buying souvenirs every three seconds. I'm a very open-minded person..

I just don't want people to judge me based on where I am from or make sudden judgments about me. I'm traveling SOLO (I like being alone but I wouldn't mind making some friends in England).

Also I plan on staying in Bristol and maybe visiting London for a couple days. I'm really interested in the English countryside; sceneries.

So would people be okay with me?

And also.. Would I develop an English accent from staying there for 2 months? haha just wondering.




  1. When my cousin (not a native English speaker) went to London for a month, she learned English with an accent. She's lost the accent now because she doesn't speak much English. But probably you won't. You'd have to stay there like 10 years before you changed in your way of speaking.

  2. uh, you seem like a normal regular person.. I think people would be ok with you..

    and no, I don't think you would develop an English accent..

  3. my dad went to england and he said english people never leave him alone and are always like bulling him hehe, like on the plane to england he was sitting next to and eenglish old lady going back home and he ordered fish and he wanted red wine with it but the lady kept on saying that it doesnt go with fish and that hes got horrible taste for doing that, and he also said that was what the other english people where like never minding there own business

    and really who are the english to judge from where your from, tell them to look where there from and make fun of there teeth and tea or something (english tea is blahh!)

  4. yes...the english hate everyone.

    no wait, i'm thinking of the y!a trolls.

  5. you may pick the accent alittle bit. im sure they wouldnt hate people just need to get to know others. i wouldnt recommend going out of the country by your self unless you've traveled outside of the country by yourself before.

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