
Would this curb abductions?

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  1. I asked this question a long time ago and mostly the answer i got was a big fat no! some people disagreed so much they had the question removed.

    I think it's a really good idea and all children should have a chip implanted that degraded in their teenage years, the chip should be placed in different parts of the body so they could not be found.

    Something like this would literally stop abductions over night there would be no more incidents like Sarah Payne, Jamie Bulger and Madeline McCann.

  2. it would stop  fake abductions too

  3. Yes and no. I that even if you were to put one in every child in the world there would always be that one dumb person who would go and kidnap the kid anyways. I think its kind of wierd and unsafe because what is going to happen if theres something in that chip and the kid is allergic to it but they don't know untill after its been implanted in them. And also whats gonna happen when every parent goes out and gets one put in their kid and come to find out its not safe and there is a recall. Plus they are going to be stuck with these implants for the rest of their life.

    I think it is good in a way because if they were to start implanting every kid once its born then that could be good. And if one day what that kid grows up and if that kid becomes a criminal and is on the run they could be tracked down easy. So in away I think it could be good, they should have thought of it sooner so then they could have put one in that girl that is missing in florida.

  4. Not really. They'll just find out where the chips are getting implanted and cut it out of the flesh (causing even more pain than they would have been in previously).

    Plus a nice large, strong magnet held around their body should cause operational difficulties to the chip, rendering it useless.

  5. i think americans solved that problem with obesity.  fat kids are hard to kidnap.

  6. I agree with AZ.

    Although it wouldn´t stop all abductions it would go  a long long way to helping to solve opportunistic spur of the moment crimes.

    If it were readily available I would be first in the queue to "chip" my child.

  7. no

  8. No.I agree with Mike W.

    Also,if this happens in one country,it will happen in others and then the question of 'Personal Freedom' raises its ugly head,if everyone has to have one.

    It is only one step up from wearing a 'Yellow Star of David',and on to tattooing numbers on the arms of those who disagree with the 'Government'!  

  9. No I don't think so. Seems a bit extreme to me. Those with chips will be even less careful about their personal safety.

    The only chips going in my body are those straight out of Maccy Ds  

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