
Would this embarrass you?

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embarrass i was round this guys house , and yeah we like each other. It was the first time iv'e me his mum and he called me his e girlfriends name.

I was mortified, how would you react?




  1. he should be embarrassed not you  

  2. I would make a joke out of it while his mum was there, but I'd make him pay later. it's happened to me and I hated it.

  3. umm he should be the one embarrassed

  4. I would die. And then i'd let him have it after, and make sure he never did it again!

  5. oh gosh, thats bad! if he called you his ex's name.

    i would've been very mad.  

  6. eh i would get over it pretty quickly, but thats just me. I can see how other girls might have a problem with it.

  7. Embarrassing yea it would.

  8. Just act like you dint realise

  9. yes it would and also it would have pissed me off

  10. Yeah, I know what you mean but I dont think alot of other people will because of your spelling etc.

    now to yur question...Its him that should be embarrased. Although it could also be quite funny, depending on how you look at it.

  11. i would be thinking OMFG!

    and i wouldn't be embarassed unless your going out cause u did just say he has a girlfriend. ok i would be super embarrased but i wouldn't show it there and then!!!

  12. Probably just habit, wasnt thinking. If it happens again bring it up but hes probably kicking himself anyway for doing it.

    Dont read too much into it.

  13. :O shocking!!! i would not be best pleased!! x

  14. Laugh it off. It was probably an honest mistake. If it happens again though, I would say something like...."my name is -------, I can write it down for you".

  15. whilst it would probably annoy me, I wouldnt be embarrassed by it - it was just a slip of the tongue


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