
Would this relationship be ethically wrong?

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I met this girl that I like in one of my classes. Unfortunately, she's 17 while I am turning 21 in a week.

I have a little sister who is also 17. So this is wrong, right?




  1. There isn't a whole lot a 17 year old has in common with a 21 year old. That's alot of growth, maturity, hormones worth of differences. And it may not be legal to have s*x with her. Stick to your own age group, people you have more stuff in common with. If you are still interested in each other when you're older, then go ahead.

  2. i am in the same situation but my sister is 16 and her friend is to0

  3. age doesnt matter when u r inlove try not ot think of her age just wahts inside

  4. As long nothing that falls under pedophilism happens

    I think it's perfectly fine.

  5. ethically yes, if you were going to hump and dump.  I'd say no if you were looking to give her some space and let her grow up.  She'd be 18/19 soon.

  6. If you're 21 you'd be making a huge mistake to date a 17 year-old. If you have all that much in-common with a 17 year-old there's something wrong.

    Go out, you're 21... meet people who can also drink legally.

  7. I'm 19 my girlfriend is 15. But that's biological. We get on so well an she's my best friend, we're mentally the same, its only the same age gap (4 years) which is nothing.

    If you're sister was a year younger than you would that mean it would be wrong to go out with someone a year younger than you? Nah

    42 and 46 aint a big gap right?

  8. hey man alls i got to say is that if there is grass on the field go ahead, if not flip her over and play in the mud

  9. no, just don't think of her as your little sister

  10. Um, well for right now it is since she is only 17, you might want to stay friends for a while.

  11. nope. as long as you guys connect. who cares? you gotta wait til she's 18 to have s*x but other than that you're good

  12. Yes, and in some states, illegal.

  13. I think the statutory rape law makes allowances for an age difference of 5 years or less, some 4 or three years younger.  Depends on the state.  In some states, it makes no difference.  Under 18, slap on the cuffs.

  14. well yes its kinda yuk especially for ur sister maybe sick to the girls who are 18 and older  

  15. bad idea

  16. no, i don't think it's wrong because it's just a 4 year age difference. If you were like 31 and she was 27 it wouldn't be a big deal, so don't worry about it.

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