
Would this work?

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Do you think I could get very much business by handing out my business cards to people at the mall? Or is this a bad idea?

My card::




  1. I think it would be a waste of time and effort for the amount of customers you would get. I see you have a myspace account! I would make an account on more popular social networking sites and add as many friends as possible. Join the fashion groups on those websites and keep adding as many friends as possible. Post a bulletin every day or every week. You might not know it, but you just advertised right now by posting this question. Keep doing this, not just on Yahoo but every website you can think of. Post questions, forums, blogs, ads such as craigslist, etc. This is all good free advertising!!

  2. Not a bad card or idea either.  One thing I know is to diversify what you're doing - use your card, post it on bulletin boards, drop it in restaurants free drawings.  Utilize the web. Slap a sign on your car pointing to your website......

    Try a good traffic exchange:  I'm giving away 1,000 credits to people who sign up using my link.  Use those credits on website hits, banner impressions, and text ads to promote your website.

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  3. I would not do it that way.  I believe that if you are serious about starting a business that you want to make it into a success, it needs to start right.  The business card looks nice but not yet professional, especially when you have 2 "websites" that are not yours. (I love the info you have in there though!  Dont get me wrong)  They are just like the office where you meet your clients face to face, but online.  If they are not professionally presented, you would attract the wrong group of people and it would put your name and services in a lower level.  It's definately part of your branding strategy.

    I agree with "My Virtu" that social network site is a good idea.  Grow your fans that way.  They are most likely your first group of customers.  But instead of doing it on every site, focus on a few big ones that you can capture the most of your target audiences.  and don't be afraid to do some volunteer stylishing work, it is a GREAT way to network and practice and make mistakes before you officially launch the business.  

    Also, save up some money and get a booth at a Women's Expo.  I believe they are in many cities throughout the country.  Here in Phoenix, they do it every year and they are a lot of traffic.  So I think it is a great way to advertise.  But make sure  you are ready to do that before you sign up.

    Good luck!

  4. I think it is a great idea!  Getting out and meeting people is the best way to drum up business.  You never know who you will meet!  Handout your card everywhere you go and to everybody.  That person may not need it, but they might know someone that does.  Be proud of your business and share it with everyone!

    I think you might do well with flyers as well, because they easier and faster to read.  Then if they are interested give them a business card.

  5. it would be a waste of time to be honest. It's better to pass them out a social event or party where people will actually be ionterestd in you. Netowrking among contacts is important, and your business card is a step in the right irection. Good luck!
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