
Would u REALLY do this?

by  |  earlier

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ok. if ur in a situation where ur walking down the side of the road, safe and all, and u see a little boy suddenly runs into the road and u see a very gigantic truck full speed, doesnt notice the child,, coming straight for the boy from the opposute direction.

what would u do?

ok. people may galantly say "i would jump in and save the boy"

but is that true? what if ur REALLY in that situation. dont u feel a little scared to jump in a save the boy. will u just watch?

what would u REALLY do??




  1. Depends on the timing ... if there is enough time to actually jump the boy from being a flat tomato, then since im on the track team, wht not? I can go really fast. Yes there are a lot of people who wpuld say, "Of course I woouldjump to save the boy" but usually they just want to be the herro type. Also, I wouldn't be able to watch a little boy ... you know.

  2. I'd probably stand there in shock and wouldnt have time to help him because I'll be standing there rubbing my eyes wondering if im dreaming

  3. Freeze with shock and run to his aid after

  4. I would freak! Maybe flag my arms so that the driver would see me, and look to make sure it was safe (real quickly), and as I was flinging my arms and hollering I would try to get at the child.

  5. Really.........Run out and try and save the child.

  6. probably freeze on the spot

  7. I would save the boy, I couldn't live with myself if ididn't.

  8. save him...afterwards you c r a p your pants when you reaslise what youve just done..ive done it.

  9. I would change the channel.

  10. I would grab the child without a thought. My personality would not allow me to stand and watch.

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