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If you won $1 million + or more. Would you leave education?...

People go to school to get a job and make money. Becoming successful.

BUT after education and getting a good job almost everyone goes into business and investing when they have money.

Now that you have won that money....Would you leave education?




  1. rich or poor education is the key to everything  

  2. why do that if when you keep your education you end up having an education AND a million dollars.

    you dont want someone outsmarting you out of your own money now do you?..

  3. NO,coz you'll spend the money any way,then what??just set and wait 2 win another million?IF I WIN A MILLION I'LL SAVE IT 4 MY UNIVERSITY AND I WILL ALSO GET A PERSONAL TENNIS TRAINER............

  4. yes  why not with a million i can buy a nice car , house and a nice girl :P  

  5. I would buy a college, give myself a degree, then get a multi-billion dollar job.

    Hows that sound? :D

  6. You should still need to continue education so that you will know how you spend your money wisely.

  7. Sure, it sounds tempting to quit school once you have the $1 million plus more money.

    Here is the thing.

    Being successful is having an education, being able to put yourself forward from an obstacle in between.

    school is an obstacle. i like to look at it that way at least.

    money is needed wether we like to admit it or not, we need it to receive food, shelter..etc. money is kinda almost everything

    the only thing superior in my opinion is the lives of others and ofcourse

    God. how else are we going to get what we need without doing something illegal such as stealing.

    Bussiness.. do you really think that almost everyone goes into bussiness?

    probably true, a Hospital is even a form a bussines, i hate to admit.

    but what about those working in the field or in a dinner, at walmart as a cash register person

    or those other low minimum wage jobs? do you think some of them dont regret not going to school so that they can have an option on wether or not to be paid minimum wage?

    its good to have a degree in something so that you can show your

    future employers that you do have an option to work for them or another

    place where you can make alot more money than what they are paying you, or are intending to pay you.

    well i know i got off topic maybe a little

    but i guess my answer is..nope i wouldnt leave school for a big check

    especially when that money will run out with me... my mom

    says that my money itches my pockets

    or hands idk..

    a saying that means a spend my money as soon as i get it.

    so that $1 million would be gone in a couple of days for me


  8. No  i would not

    i think its very nice to won that million but why u don't live your time and not harry every thing i told u that because i've been through something like that

    i pay any any thing to go back and study as a normal person :(

  9. No money doesn't buy happiness

  10. You Bet, I would get my education as I traveled the World.  xox

  11. I would never leave education. I'd rather be an educated rich fool than a stupid rich fool.

  12. No I wouldn't. Lets say I do buy that house, car etc. then what? I actually want to do something with my life. I want a job, not just any job, and in order to get the job that I want I need the education. All I know is if I don't do something I get bored, and money really isn't everything. It's fun yeah but then what. I wanna make something of myself. Well then again I only have a year left :)

  13. I should hope not. The money will run out some day.  

  14. I would stay in education because if one day I somehow lost that money, I would have near to no skills and most likely end up homeless. Yes, I could always get a job, but if I had NO work experience and near to no education when I was lets say, middle aged, practically no one would hire me.

  15. It all depends on the amount of education you've received up to that point. I myself would not worry about anymore education because I've always earned A's in school and feel that I could easily make it in life with education I have obtained thus far. However, if I feel that I could seriously better myself with more education then I most definitely would.

  16. $1 mil isn't really a lot of money these days.. and especially if you don't know how to invest it. I will continue to educate myself forever I hope

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