
Would you agree?

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All UK pollictical parties (well the only 3 that can win) are the same with the same dire ends. So i belive a return to manarchy rule should be a chioce.

The Queen to Rule.




  1. Aaaarrrrgh no!!!!!! I'm sure Prince Charles would be up for it though

  2. NO way, no how. Abolish the monarchy, and the Houses of parliament. Set up local co-operatives that sends delegates to a national congress. True Socialist democracy is the best way forward, to get us of this capitalist death trip.

  3. Oh great! that's all we need,inbreds with absolute power!

  4. What?  A woman of over 80 years of age, with no idea what working for a living is like?  Are you sun-stroked?

  5. No.

    The monarchy should never regain total power.

  6. Is 'manarchy' anarchy with the queen as boss?

  7. the three main political parties are very similar, has there is not a great deal of srife left in the country there isnt that much need for different philosophys, but what democracy still gives us is the ability to replace governments that we do not like, this helps to ensure that the do not become tyranical, corrupt, lazey etc. this is what all of that seperation of powers stuff is all about, there is no one in particular in charge of the country but instead a parliment that proposes laws an upper house in this case the lords that revies every thing that the lower house does, there is also local government that makes smaller decisions, the civil service and of course the electorate that can replace any of this. it is this system of government that we owe our freedom to. giving power back to the monarch would mean that we were subject to arbitrary rule by a ruler who is not accountable to the people as they would not be able to vote to remove him or her.

    despite some of the social problems that we may have and some of the party flaws it is a far better system than absolute or even near absolute monarchy or even for that any monarch with any power at all.

    no one not apointed by the public should hold power, wheather a monarch hereditery peer or bishop.

  8. No I don't beleive in the monarchy at all.  I beleive the political system in the Uk should be similar to that in the US, with a president and no royal family.

  9. Do you really think prince charles is capable of making good decisions that will effect ordinary people? Even the queen, who's not so bad considering she's an unelected Head of State, would be incapable of that. What you're suggesting is dragging us back to the Middle Ages.

  10. I prefer the Queen to remain a constituional monarch. I doubt that she would want the political responisbility of being in charge of the government.

    However, I do think the political system in this country could do with revising.  considering we are supposed to be a democracy, the people really have very little power.  We  vote politicans in, then they do as they like.  As Peter Jones pointed out in an article in this month's BBC History magazine, in ancient Athens, the people ruled the country themselves, they made the alws and elected public officials, they weren't governed by politicians.  Switzerland is the only country that has a system at all resembling Athenian democracy, they vote on everything there.  We should have more referendums on things that matter, like the EU, the euro, metrication (inventions of the devil, all of them).
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