
Would you buy this surfboard?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking at a board, this guy is selling it for $200. Is it worth it? I know its hard to tell by just pictures but i just wanted some opinions. Its a 6'4", comes with a leash. I'm about 5'10" What do ya think? Heres the pics:





  1. i don't know i never went surfing nor have i been to the beach to go. but IF YOU  like it then,it's gota  be worth the $200.

  2. The pics aren't that great - I'd prefer seeing the board up closer.  The bottom pic - you can see some oxidation and some pressure dings with a fairly large one down the middle.

    I've never heard of the shaper either.

    I have no idea where you live but if you're looking for a good deal, I'd keep looking.  For a no-name shaped board in decent condition, I'd say $150 max.  Considering a 'big name' shape runs about $500 from the shops, you can find them in decent condition for $250 easily.

  3. dunno mate cant see the pics. if its got small cracks in it it should b fine, not too much to repair but if it is fairly damaged then ure better off forking out another 50 to 100 dollars for it, otherwise it could b unrideable. also not to b rude but can u surf? if not i would advise buying a bigger board, 7 foot maybe because it will b alot easier to learn on. try and get the pics up and working and ill try give a better response

  4. Can't get the pics to load but the real question is "Can you ride it?"  No sense buying a board just cause you think it might be a good deal if it is a board you can't ride.

  5. ok if its your first board which it sonds like it is than you want to make sure its about 3 inches thick or so and 22 inches wide or so, i cant get those pics to load up... but theres 4 things to check your board with.color quality 1-5(being the best with everything) number of repairs, repairs left to be done, and how old is the board, what I do is take those and i just times all the ratings by 15 and thats the amount of money id pay for the board. this is just what id do.

  6. ys

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