
Would you consider me attractive?

by  |  earlier

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just kinda wondering.. i live in a little town not to far from chicago.. everyone knows everyone and you don't really get to know what other people think of you..

and also..

i've been dating my boyfriend for almost a year and we haven't really "done" anything.. is it maybe because hes not attracted to me?

ohh the question i ask myself..

im not sure if my links will work.. but ill see what happens

**Im the only on the right side**




  1. Yes you're pretty. You have nice eyes.

    Your Facebook pictures aren't showing, but your MySpace one is.

  2. yeah you're very pretty : );...

  3. Yes, you are

    very prettty.


  4. Definately pretty.

    Very natural.

    Don't doubt yourself, you're beautiful!

  5. The first link worked (you look good), but the others did not: I don't have a facebook account.

  6. You are very much pretty, just know that just cause your boyfriend isn't THAT serious about you, doesn't mean you are not pretty, maybe he's just not ready. And most of the times it's what's on the insides that counts!

  7. no you are very pretty. maybe he's not ready. if he won't do anything with you then you should dump him.

  8. aww gorgeous darling! And maybe it's a good thing you and your boyfriend haven't "done anything" it just shows that he doesn't just see you as someone to s***w.

  9. ohh gosshh, your soooo pretty, i would

    diee too haavee hair like yours, and if youu

    haven`t really done anythingg bee thee onee

    too makee thee first movess, whoo knows,

    your too pretty, i dont know why your bf wouldn`t

    like youu or maybee hee needs moree timee, youu

    could alsoo wait it out a lil longeer and see whaat happens

    or sit down and ask him wheree your relationship is,

    but goshh YOUR GORGEOUS, dont leet otherrs tell

    youu your not causee hun, youu certainly aree !

  10. You are beautiful, it's not your fault he doesn't want to be's his problem

  11. very pretty.

  12. well...first of all. i think you are very pretty, but you do need to dress a little better; that shirt in the first one is very low neck. but that's just my opinion. (everyone has one) anyways...maybe your boyfriend is just modest. if he has stayed with you for a year, and hasn't done anything maybe he just wants to keep the relationship clean, you know?? don't force him to do anything with you. maybe he just wants to keep him self until marriage. if he is that type, don't force it, because he won't like it, it will just turn him away. i think you have something very good that you shouldn't push.  

  13. Hey, are you joking me? You are pretty! You even have a great body!

    Don't brag about your boyfriend. You know what? Basing on your photos, i see you have great potentials of being a model. Did it ever came to across your mind of pursuing a modeling career?

    There's one site online where you can sign up a free model portfolio. It's in New Faces at it's a popular site for models and actors (both amateur and professionals) where they can be discovered by international talent scouts and scouting agents. Casting calls are from top companies in modeling and film, including Elite, FORD Models, reality TV shows, etc...

    You gotta check it out!

  14. very pretty.  your boyfriend should do all the moves, not you.  you really look like you take care of your look, so the problem is his.  if you're not feeling it you should move on.  but it's not your fault.  get out there and have some fun girl!

  15. facebook ones dont work

    but ya kinda pretty

  16. only the first one works because you need to sign in to see facebook.

    but you are very pretty, maybe just a little too orange on your face? if anything.

    maybe your guy is just a little nervous, they normally are.

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