
Would you consider me big?

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Hello all. I just wanted to know if you consider me big at all. You see, a lot of girls I know are sizes 0-5, and they nab all the guys.

I, however, am 134 and a size 10 in US sized jeans. I have a curvacious figure, which means there are broad shoulders and womanly hips. The problem is I'm a Freshman in High School, and I doubt my shape is appreciated (shaped like a spoon).

Do you think I'm big?




  1. sounds like your pretty healthy

  2. I wouldn't consider you fat.

    You seem healthy, you're probably a bit stockier build than some girls but DON'T LET THAT BOTHER YOU! You're not fat.

    Based on your description you seem really good looking, don't worry about your size, at your age you're still growing.

    Girls who strive for a 'Perfect figure' often miss some of the best guys anyways. XD

    Any guy who wont go out with you because you're 'too big' is probably shallow. Besides, it's not so bad that guys don't climb all over you, it keeps your reputation from becoming 'S****y' (unless you seriously act that way and try to nab every guy that breathes, which I assume you don't do) and you'll be less likely to end up as a pregnant teen and have the father of your child mysteriously disappear, or worse just high tail it out of town in front of everyone! (Trust me, it happens, it's sad yes, but it happens)

    So, count your blessings. You've got a better chance at getting a guy who isn't abusive and isn't going to high tail it out of town once he sees that + sign on the EPT. You have the chance to be choosy and find the right guy, you wont be pressured to loose your virginity to some guy you break up with a week later, You'll be less stressed.

    I know how bad you want all of the above because you want to 'fit in' with the rest, but is it really worth all the risk?

    Rather than worrying about fitting in, worry about BEING YOURSELF! That's right, be yourself and people will eventually gravitate toward you and you'll find good friends.

    I'm not saying life is without it's drama and such. You'll run into total jerks and b*****s who insist on insulting you because they think you're fat. Just ignore them, they're bullies and should be given no second thought. Heck, just pretend they don't exist. Their opinion doesn't matter. I'm not going to say you should let yourself go though, you can keep an eye on your weight and such, and remember to eat healthy so you never end up gaining too much weight.

    But for goodness sake, don't let others' make you think you're ugly because of it. Because right now, you aren't. If you let them think you're fat and ugly, you may end up becoming fat, because there's not many faster ways to put on pounds than eating to make yourself feel better.

  3. uhm 134 pounds sounds healthy to me. unless thats 5 feet 1 and 134 pounds. In that case, yes you're fat.

  4. People are just jelous cos you've got what guys blatenley look at! Your fine, i don't think your big and don't listen to people who bring you down because then you will stop focussing on your studies!  

  5. Lol wow I'm jealous! I used to be in a size 9 now I'm in a size 13(if the stretch) or 15 if they don't. US size too. I'm going into 10th grade. Also, I'm around 180lbs and I am 5'6". My pants size would be smaller if I had smaller hips and a smaller butt(everyone says they are jealous of it tho...) yeah lol don't worry about it. There are bigger ppl than both of us and honestly you just sound a tiny bit chubby maybe not even at all maybe i would have to see a pic. That really isn't bad. It's better than beeing scary skinny like skin and bone skinny. I am heavy from genetics tho cuz both my parents are fairly heavy.

  6. 5'7", 134 and 9th grade.......

    that would make you pretty hot, depending on where the bulk of that 134 is.....

  7. I think you would look great...Im assuming you've got a little more curves than most of the other girls...which is good!

  8. Nope, not big at all I'm 5'3" and I weigh 156pds I have a hour glass shape and a nice booty to match and I wear a size 11/12 in jrs. be proud of how you look s***w what cosmo says.

  9. eeewww what is wrong with you, I believe you should get your spoon disease checked out pronto

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