
Would you consider this abuse?

by  |  earlier

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my husband and i were in the living room this morning and i guess i was standing in front of his view of the tv, he reached up his foot to move me, which is fine, but he had his foot inbetween my cheeks and moved his toes around. it was very uncomfortable, and i said 'stop'. i looked at him and he smiled and just kept moving his toes, and so i used the brush i had in my hand to swat his foot . the flat part of the brush hit his ankle and the 2 parts of the brush seperated. i didnt think that i hit that hard to break a brush, it wasnt my intentions, and i immediately checked to see if he was ok... i know that doesnt make it right, but it wasnt my intentions to break anything, or hurt him, just get him to stop. divorce is now on the table, is this considered spousal abuse? am i that wrong? do i even have the right to ask for a second chance? what about him? when answering to this, please be nice. i dont need anyone writing me and telling me how horrible of a person i am. thanks in advance.




  1. This was not abuse, it was an accident.  Your husband is talking divorce because he was insulted - he was trying to be sexually playful with you, didn't realize you weren't enjoying it, and was hurt that you not only rejected his advances but also used physical force to make your point.  

    Give him some time to calm down and get off his high horse.  You weren't "abusing" him any more than he was "raping" you.

  2.      It's an example of how a silly little incident can lead to something far greater than it should.  He should have removed his foot when you asked him, and frankly you wacking him with a brush was something he asked for.  Surely over the weekend, you'll both calm down and cooler minds will prevail.  Really, though, if his feelings are that delicate he ought to do some very serious soul-searching.

    Good luck

    Mike B

  3. You ARE joking right?!  If not go ahead and get rid of the "little man(boy)" that you are married too! If he is that much of a whiny lil bytch you don't need him around! And no i would not consider that abuse!

  4. I would think that he is over reacting . You did hit hard if the brush broke but you said you didn't mean to hit so hard. Divorce is a pretty hard punishment for a mistake.He is 50% to blame also. If he would have stopped when asked the first time, none of this would have happened.

  5. No it's not really abuse it's just a simple mistake

    is he still talking to you?

    of not them right him a letter

    anyways goodluck


  6. if you are telling the truth, it sounds like he is overreacting.

    but if you broke a brush...thats pretty hard. it doesnt sound liek its worth a divorce. he must be mad about something else  

  7. OF COURSE NOT!! It was only his fault for not stopping when you said stop!! I think you did the right Thing

  8. When your irritated you can have less control of your movements and thus making the swat harder than anticipated.

    You need to apologise to him, i would not say it was spousal abuse as an accident however if you say divorce is on the table then there are definitely more things going on than just that incident

    perhaps you both need to get away from each other for a weekend and then have genuine discussions about what it is all about.

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